Minecraft Maps / Other

Laser Tag - CakeGamerYT

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TheSpiffiest's Avatar TheSpiffiest
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragonborn
Ever wanted to play Laser Tag in minecraft, with this 1.8.1 vanilla minecraft map we have made it possible.

if you spawn in the redstone/command block area, go behind the building and click one of the command blocks that say they will TP you to spawn :)

as the lovely redux reminded us in the comments :) DONT /kill @e or you will ruin everything and blow up the planet....but for reals don't do it!!!

Spectator mode comming soon

with the combined help of CakeGamerYT, ReduxRedstone, LusterBlaze and DynamicGamesYT

enjoy your game :)

Required to open save:
Minecraft 1.8.1+
CreditReduxRedstone, LusterBlaze,DynamicGamesYT and me CakeGamesYT
Progress100% complete

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12/29/2014 7:42 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
ReduxRedstone's Avatar
Just as a warning guys, NEVER do "/kill @e" as it will kill off some entites that are NEEDED for the game to function. i will be updating the map soon with a fix for this, its simple but i forgot to add it and i dont want to bother CakeGamer to update this post just cuz of the one thing. it should be fixed in the next update. thanks for downloading, have fun playing! ^.^
12/29/2014 11:38 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragonborn
TheSpiffiest's Avatar
:O yea glad you thought about that, I'll add it to the map description
