Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Left 4 Dead 2 Mall Atrium

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Level 22 : Expert Crafter
Only took me a couple of days without any worldedit.

I didn't see any maps related to L4D or L4D2 so I decided to do one myself of the Dead Center finale. This might be the start of a series, but we'll see how this turns out. This should be sufficient as a PvP or PvE map, but feel free to make any changes you'd like (assuming it isn't stolen).

Leaving out the Jimmy Gibbs car, the posters, and the elevator was intentional.

I'm using the Creator Pack for textures, which I'd highly recommend.

L4D2 is owned by Valve.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update V1.1 : by MustacheMan12 10/10/2020 10:27:16 pmOct 10th, 2020

  • Updated to 1.16.3
  • Added more balconies
  • Added more ceiling detail
  • Other improvements

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11/19/2020 3:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
hey dude if you could make like a tutorial on how to build this it would be great as my friends and i are making the dead center map on the left2mine mod chapter 1 is almost done btw
want more info join
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