Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Logos - A middle ages kingdoms map project

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carlansor's Avatar carlansor
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Hello minecrafters of all ages and sizes!!

(UPDATE 20/03/2016: Hi! im glad that after a long time this project continues being watched and played. I got to be honest with you, i left minecraft for a long time. You see, Halcyon days wich is the resource pack of Logos wasnt updated, the 1.8 and 1.9 minecraft updates went live and i didnt want to continue building with vanilla textures, i just didnt feel it. Recently, the Halcyon Day's resource pack updated to 1.8 and possible to 1.9, wich inspired me again to work on the project, so expect more updates in a near future!. Im taking all kind of suggestions for towns and cities locations, so if you tried and played the map and feel like "this is a sweet spot for a [insert building here] just give me a pm and i ceirtanly will read it. Keep enjoying this map, i will. Sorry for my bad english anyway.)
My plans for updating order are:
1.- Adapt the map to 1.9 with new blocks
2.-Furnish and decorate all cities with the new style of Halcyon Day's Resource Pack
3.-Build more small towns
4.-Build two more cities

Thanks to JerenVids for the amazing cinematic!!


Click here to download 1.7.10 version

Planned features:
- New city on Mesa biome
- Full interiors on all buildings
- Major cities door's open and close with redstone
- more dungeons and small towns

Logos is a project wich i have been working on since two months ago from now, i always wanted to lauch a medieval inmersive server so i began to build this world...

Right now it has two large cities, Quakervolk and Gonzoheim , one within cold biome and the other hidden in a flower forest biome,a spawn castle, a small town and a cold dungeon..

If you can take better pictures than the ones with this post, I will honored to add them...

Cities Locations:
Gonzoheim: 535 65 38
Quakervolk: -308 65 199
Central Castle: 253 65 260
Small Town: 1279 65 -104

Cold Dungeon: -52 70 -375

I didnt want to build mega structures, all is designed to be confortable with "steve" size.. All is built in a vanilla minecraft world, its seed is : 8268087405017577321

I will keep working in this map until i think it has everything i want for the server... then maybe i finally launch the server i always wanted!
Here is the dynmap of the complete realm, it could be down sometimes, do not worry :D
Logos map

Feel free to do what you want with the map, but if you share pictures or anything related, always make sure to give me the credit..

The resourcepack used is [32x] Halcyon Days Resource Pack go ahead and take a look its awesome!!

Thanks for visiting the post, i appreciate if u give a diamond if you like the pictures!! share the word and i will continue working on this map!!
CreditDwoyvid and me
Progress75% complete

7 Update Logs

Update #7 : by carlansor 12/22/2014 3:10:34 pmDec 22nd, 2014

1.8 ! Changed all the towns and buildings with blocks with metadata to default. All except that remains the same

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04/12/2021 10:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User3436792G's Avatar
salut tu peux m'envoyer les schématic
03/05/2019 10:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Necrotrophic's Avatar
Hello, I've been wondering if this project is still being worked on. (i like it a lot)
03/14/2019 10:27 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
carlansor's Avatar
well i got to be honest, i still want to convert the map to newer versions as they come xD i made some new towns and such but i havent got the time to upload
09/27/2017 7:30 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Engineer
TriusMalarky's Avatar
Hey, I was wondering if I could use this on my roleplay server. It is currently 1.12, I will give you credit if I like it (after playing it singleplayer) This looks amazing!
09/06/2017 12:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Reddwar's Avatar
what version of mc is this map for?
09/08/2017 3:24 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
carlansor's Avatar
hi!, it works with versions up to 1.8, Im currently working (very slowly, at my own very rithm) on a update to 1.12 with more towns and some new castles and dungeons.
05/02/2017 1:07 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
bunvil's Avatar
sorry for my rude language, but f#cking awesome project dude!
this is one of the best map ever! keep up the good work!
I'm excited to see the updates soon :D
05/02/2017 2:53 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
carlansor's Avatar
thanks a lot :) working slowly but still on it
05/06/2017 1:50 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
bunvil's Avatar
cool m8 :)
04/29/2017 8:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
nythawkman1520's Avatar
is there a dwarven city cause I want to use this map for my corporation type server on a modded Minecraft version of forge 1.7.10. and you will be given credit
