Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Mario & Luigi Dream Team Pi'illo Island

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Hogwarts007's Avatar Hogwarts007
Level 41 : Master Dragonborn
The upload here is an incomplete one. The whole map is not completed!

This is an old (and big!) project that I will continue to work on for a while. It is a 1:1 map of Pi'illo Island from the video game Mario & Luigi Dream Team. The Dream Worlds will not be added because they are 2D and tricky to make. World Edit was not used in making Pi'illo Blimport, Pi'illo Castle, and parts of Mushrise Park. No texture pack is needed.

~Pi'illo Blimport DONE
~Pi'illo Castle DONE
~Mushrise Park Work in Progress
~Som Nom Woods
~Mount Pajamaja
~Driftwood Shore
~Neo Bowser Castle

Feel free to leave a comment on suggestions for the map!
Progress25% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Hogwarts007 09/07/2016 6:16:39 pmSep 7th, 2016

I am somewhat sad to admit this, but the progress on this map has been suspended (obviously). But, I will begin work on a new project, on, in fact, the next game in the Mario and Luigi series; Paper Jam. I have only just begun, but this is just out there for anybody that is curious or just really wants to know.

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12/04/2021 1:31 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
dreampillow's Avatar
is the map broken?i thought one day someone managed to download it
12/13/2021 7:58 pm
Level 41 : Master Dragonborn
Hogwarts007's Avatar
I haven't tested it out in a long time, so I don't know for sure what the problem is. I originally made it in Minecraft 1.8, so there's a good chance many things no longer work correctly in the current version of the game.
07/30/2018 3:54 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Explorer
Chasin_Jason's Avatar
Can I download you super mario galaxy map and finish it? I'll credit you I swear!

12/17/2017 2:46 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Kevinmaster50's Avatar
05/31/2017 2:46 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Network
CrossPlays's Avatar
Heya.. Its been a while, i think.. I was wondering if i could take a try and make the map furthur. I don't know you're age, so either not know how much homework ya get, but im not very long 12. I'm pretty decent in building, but totally not as good as you and Leihcbone and the team you make that Mario Galaxy 2 map with. As far as i know you also maked more progress in an paper Jam map, which im really exited for, then this. So i tough i could take a try and do the rest of the map for ya. I could use my little private server from me & my friends to use some plugins to make building easier, without any need to do everything with hand. Ofcourse, i will probably begin soon, just in case if you say yes, i already started a bit. Im pretty good at building with a picture, altough i'm NOT, but totally NOT good in redstone. But i won't need that unless i need to make some secret door, which i guess i don't need.

Heres a list with new things i would like to do:

- Make some dreamworlds..?

- Make a battle room, where roleplayers can battle in for each seperate area.

- Finish Mushrise Park or make it if it isn't included in the download.

- Make Som Nom Woods

- Make Mount Pajamaja

- Make Driftwood Shore

- Make wakeport

- Make Neo Bowser Castle

- Any other things i forgot above but realized i need to add them for some exploring.

I would suggest some friends of mine to help me, even if most of them don't play the games. I also see this comments is getting longer then any other one i ever posted, but this is just becouse i really am exited to have a project again! I've been bored for the past 2 months since i lost my undertale map and my friends got pretty inactive. I was thinking of making an Bowser's Inside Story map, but i wasn't as great was building then now. I've learned a lot of the youtuber "Grian" if it goes about building, and i have more inspiration for doing this now. I will start right now, and if my request gets rejected in the middle of it, well, i will JUST go furthur for my and my friends, and then post images for you if it looks good.

I WON'T take over the project, except i get told i can. I litterally will put my life and soul into this support, and i hope you will resume Paper Jam as long as you can! \×-×/

Thanks for the inspiration i got, from you. But now, i wanna try and help you by doing this.

- CrossPlays
06/01/2017 5:19 pm
Level 41 : Master Dragonborn
Hogwarts007's Avatar
Alright, well, first of all, that was a LOOOONG comment. Second, I'm kinda done with working on it. I'm in high school, and it's getting a lot more intense as far as schoolwork, tests, homework, and other stuff goes. So, I'm fine with you and your friends adding to it, since I don't plan on it. If you want to upload it once you're done, be sure to credit me, though. Well, good luck, have fun!
12/22/2016 10:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Racingman1's Avatar
Can you please give us some more updates about this ?! I'm kinda sad that it's been almost 2 years since you've posted this and NOTHING! If there's a good chunk of work done, can you please give us a download?
12/28/2016 8:40 pm
Level 41 : Master Dragonborn
Hogwarts007's Avatar
I just might give a download even though it's incomplete. I've moved on to bigger and better things... well, maybe not bigger, since the map is gigantic. I'm attempting a recreation of Mario & Luigi Paper Jam now, and I've actually done more on that than I have on this map! I have not yet released a PMC page for it though, in fear that I might give up on it like I did with this map...
12/28/2016 9:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Racingman1's Avatar
Look dude, me and my best friend (who also plays MC obviously) are supporting you on this giant project! I'd really friggin' enjoy if you even uploaded an unfinished version of this map. Just NEVER lose hope on the Paper Jam map! Trust me, me, my friend, and many others will definitely enjoy the Paper Jam map! I just wish you could get more views and such... My friend and I have hope tho!
12/29/2016 2:26 pm
Level 41 : Master Dragonborn
Hogwarts007's Avatar
Thanks! That really means a lot.
