Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

MasterJack's Survival Island 1.6.2 (Challenges included in description)

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MasterJack's Avatar MasterJack
Level 30 : Artisan Pokémon
This is a Survival Island Challenge, for those of you who may not know what a Survival Island Challenge is, let me explain briefly. The just of the challenge is to survive on an island, simple enough, you can download the map, or just use the seed above. But, not only must you just survive, you want to survive in style! To do that you must accomplish the challenges below, while still following the rules.

1. Do not go to the mainland, or leave the ocean biome while mining.
2. Do not try to escape the island, it's nice here, you want to live here forever!
3. You are allowed to expand the island if you wish, but you can only use dirt!

Challenges! To survive in style you must complete the challenges below.
1. Make a two story house to live in, with at least 20 glass panes used as windows, a brick roof, and a decent basement. The house must be at least 15 x 12.

2. Make a bridge to the nearby small island to the East, make it completely out of wood products. the bridge must be 4 blocks wide. NOTE: Use only Oak wood, not the wood from the crashed boat in the download.

3. In a place of your choosing, make a wheat farm that can produce 25 wheat at a time when harvested.

4. Build a Portal to the Nether, you can travel as far as you like in the Nether, but you cannot live there!

5. Make a small hut for any guests on the smaller island to the east, the hut must be made out of Nether Bricks and/or Nether Quartz Blocks, and be at least 5 x 7.

6. Build a small forge attached to your house or somewhere on the first island, the inside must be at least 5 x 5 and contain an anvil, and 4 furnaces. It must also be made using hardened clay.

7. Build a random thing of your own choosing that you would want with you on your life on this deserted island! (but you must build something!)

If you enjoy this, please diamond my work! It really helps me! Thanks!
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07/21/2013 5:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Gohalo2's Avatar
Is there any way to get wool? Also where is this ship you talked about in the bridge challenge? There's no ship in mine.
07/29/2013 2:46 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Pokémon
MasterJack's Avatar
You can always use string to make wool if you have to, also the ship is only if you download the map, if you use the seed there is no ship.
