Minecraft Maps / Other

[MC Windows 10] The City 2.0

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Pokemonjpups's Avatar Pokemonjpups
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
Hello, Thank You for deciding the view this map. Now I know what you might be thinking,
  • "Isn't this just like any city"?
  • "Why is this on MC-Windows 10?"
  • "This looks like it will SUCK!"
Now, I don't have an answer to the last one as every person will think differently, but I can assure you it is not just any city and that there is a reason it is on Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition. Now firstly, let me address your concern about the first question.

1. This is not like any other Minecraft city because it is much different. For starters, this city has actual homes, also, a big, huge, residential area in the southern side so far made up of about 11 homes and 4 apartment buildings. These buildings can house the imaginary civilians of the city. Anyone can live in these homes. All the homes were built with care and thought so that anyone can move in, and love their brand new house!

The Residential Area

2. It is on Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition for 2 reasons. 1: I wanted to try out Minecraft: W10 Edition and 2: This was the only way I could play with my sister as she preferred MC:PE. I am going to convert it to PC and Mobile someday, but for now, it's staying as Windows 10 Edition.

Table Of Contents Of The City

Northern Side
The Water Front (Unfinished)

The Downtown Area (Unfinished)

The Residential Block (Unfinished)

Southern Side
The Shopping Places (Including Restaurants)

2. The House Styles

3. The Office Buildings

4. Places To Live

5. Misc.

1. The city includes many places for shopping. One of the "big box" stores is Zellers. Zellers was a Canadian retail store which sold many items from groceries to toys, clothes and everything else (kind of like Wal-Mart but a million times better!). So, in this City, Zellers remains a big store and I plan to build multiple all across the city, although this first one will have a special place in my heart. For the other stores, there are 2 restaurants, one with rooftop dining (near Zellers on main) and one in the triangle building facing the waterfront. There is also a coffee shop on the route that heads to the business district. I had to eliminate the Real estate building for now although I will add one similar, if not, the same, later on. There is also one restaurant with a drive-thru on Mary St. in the Mary Park.

WaterFront Stores 1

More Waterfront Stores

2. The houses follow the style of homes I like building at the time of building. A big portion of them are classic 1.5/2.5 story homes you see a lot in urban areas. There are also a few bungalow and some bungalow looking homes that are actually 1.5 story homes. The apartments don't really follow a style, although I try to stay a little modern.

Private Ranch House

3. The office buildings only consist of 2 right now, One is a Zellers warehouse and one is an unnamed one. The Zellers one is fairly big although it had to be shrunk for the Highway update. There's not much to them although they all have bathrooms and conference rooms and only serve for one company per building.

4. There are many places to live, depending on your lifestyle preferences. There are some apartments across from the Zellers on Main St. as well as one in the wooden oak Pawn Shop. There are also condos in the Waterfront Birchwood condo. For the residential/country area, there are many homes to choose from in the residential area, as well as three apartment buildings which each have their own quirks that you should check out. There is also a birch ranch style house on the highway, 2 hotels in the shopping area, and one condo down the highway. There is also a very tiny hotel which features a restaurant down Highway 1.

5. I don't really have too much to add, other then you should definitely check it out! Please give it a "Diamond" and tell your friends if you like it! If you even like it enough, you can give me a comment giving me advice among other things. Thank you!

Now, some extra notes.

A) I have not created a map of the city yet, although I will and I will place it on the images so you have a sort of guide to help you through the city.

B) When you download this map, you agree to a few things,
1. You will NOT reupload this map to ANY website, USB flash drive, cd, DVD, etc without MY signed permission.
2. You will NOT reproduce this in ANY way! This includes what is stated above.
3. You will NOT claim that you, or anyone other than I own this map. I, Pokemonjpups, am the only owner of this map, which can be downloaded using the link below, and ONLY the link below.
4. You will NOT feature this or any contents of this, map, pictures or text without my signed permission!
C) This is all for now.

As I stated earlier, this is all for now! I hope you download this map and enjoy playing on it as much as I did building it!
CreditMy Sister, Penny, who is 12.
Progress15% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Pokemonjpups 11/05/2016 8:02:11 pmNov 5th, 2016

Hello Again!

So, to start, I haven't abandoned you (unlike the highway condo building). I took a break and then continued building again. Here is what has been added:

-Rename of highways (ex. Highway 1 is Route 100)

-Route 100 expansion from 2 lanes to 4 lanes

-Added "north" side, it is currently just a downtown area as of now

-Removed some smaller buildings in the south side and replaced them with "towers"

-Changed where route 100 split into 2 roads into a 6 lane system (one road)

-Added my temporary house (mansion off where route 100 connects to other end of city, more explanation in a second)

-General Fixes (e.x. cleanups, etc)

-Currently, trees are missing from the area between route 100 and the south waterfront because of the highway expansion

-The far north end of Route 100 converts into a huge city road system, this end of the city will eventually feature skyscrapers, stores, etc.

Thats all for now, I still have to add pictures but I have been very busy and as a result, unable to do so. Thanks and goodbye for now!

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09/11/2016 11:19 pm
Level 24 : Expert Architect
Bivom123's Avatar
The name of the city can be : Ellington
