Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

McZ: Minecraft Zombie Maps ( Based Off Of COD BO)

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Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
Welcome to the forum thread for McZ: Minecraft Zombie Maps, me and my friends make a whole bunch of zombie maps a week and upload them for you guys to play, So far in the first 3 maps are A Pack-A-Punch area, lots of zombie spawners, traps you can set off, places to go and see, and lots of ways to defeat the zombies, we are planing to make a mod for our maps which shall add, Mystery Box, Perk Machines, Barriers, More Zombie Types, Boss's and A points system, also door you can buy and weapons on the wall, possibly guns, the mod will be starting next week on sunday afternoon. These first 3 maps include, The Drifter, a small boat full of deadly zombies and no where to go, survive as long as you can. Sar Tea, A big abandoned fort which includes a new trap, heaps of spawners, more rooms to go and spots were its harder for zombies to get you. Mishi Ka is the first and smallest map of all, which includes the story, easter eggs, traps, light switch's, a second story to go to, and lots of spawners.
Those are our maps so far hope you like them for Mishi Ka, try to find all the zombie heads lying about.
Maps come all together, Soon we will have a choice of difficulty, right now most of the maps are on normal.

NOTICE!, New maps coming out next week, the map idea's are, desert, caves, plane crash.

Additional Notes

Thanks COD BO for inspiration.
Progress100% complete

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11/19/2012 2:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Good job with the maps keep making more like Nuketown Zombies from COD BO2
11/06/2012 4:32 pm
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
Hey guys, sorry if you couldn't download it, I just fixed the download and it's all working, -JJ :)
11/06/2012 3:34 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
thats ok
11/06/2012 2:13 am
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
Also telling us your feedback about the map helps alot, suggest anything more spawners or more traps whatever, even suggest your own map and we will make it, feedback helps us do the best we can at making the maps fun for you guys. :)
11/06/2012 2:00 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
cool could you make another one but better please

private msg me if you can and tell me if you cant aswell
11/06/2012 2:05 am
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
Don't worry, we will be making many more, and alot more interesting than this, don't worry about that, these are a test ones, just to try out this sort of idea, thanks for you opinion though. :)
11/06/2012 1:54 am
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
Make sure your on hard or normal difficulty.
