Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Medieval Watch Tower

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Level 38 : Artisan System
Every good city has its outposts. Junctions in the forest on the outskirts to keep a look out for unwanted foes and weary travelers. This watch tower lets you look far into the distance granting the ability to smite foes from a vantage point.

  • Showcase - A display of the watch towers prowess.

  • Watch_tower.schem - allows you to place the watch tower in your own worlds

Word from the author:

thanks for checking out my build and sorry I haven't updated much of my work as of late. I am sure you know how it is. Life, work, etc... anyway, I hope you enjoy this build as much as I enjoyed making it.

Copyright information:
You are not allowed to upload any parts of the set completely or partially without my consent, or redistribute any files contained in download without my consent. You are allowed to use this repository for any of your own projects. Credit is appreciated, but not mandatory.
Progress100% complete

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