Minecraft Maps / Other

Mine Raider 2(Tomb raider 2 remake)

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fess1996's Avatar fess1996
Level 20 : Expert Pony
Offshore rig is completed!, I'm going to do Laras home quickly before i do any other maps, because it needs doing...

This project also brings competition, because i want you to beat my times on the map:D
( When trying to beat, you must collect ALL secrets [That includes the super secret lapis block!] )

IMPORTANT - instead of having the download link next too it, you can now just click the level name to download it :)

Great Wall & Venice levels - 25% Complete
The Great wall = 0%
Venice = 100% * Time to beat - 10:36 ( did that with three mistakes... easy to beat )
Bartoli's Hideout = 0%
The opera house = 0%
Offshore Rig & Under water levels.
Offshore Rig = 100% * (Bug testing!, Relying on your comments!)
Diving Area = 0%
40 Fathoms = 0%
Wreak of the Maria Doria = 0%
Living Quarters = 0%
The Deck = 0%
Tibet & China
Tibetan Foothills = 0%
Barkhang Monastery = 0%
Catacombs of the Talion = 0%
Ice Palace = 0%
Temple of Xian = 0%
Floating Islands = 0%
The Dragon's Lair = 0%
Home levels
Home Sweet Home = 0%
Lara''s Home = 0%

Additional Notes

You will need the following mods-

- Dynamic lights, just for Venice at the moment... so its not a Must. -

1 ) No breaking blocks( Except glass, but only with a wooden sword )
2 ) When you place a redstone torch, don't pick it back up

Q: Can i cheat?
A: Yes, but it will take the fun away, and your time will not count.

Q: Can i make videos of these maps?
A: Yes, it is encouraged

Q: Will you be continuing the texture packs?
A: When the maps are complete

Q: What map is next?
A: I let the comments decide.

Q: How do i download?
A: Click the maps name ( The ones available are in blue )

Q: Can i give you all my diamonds?
A: Yes =)

Q: Is it compatible with multiplayer?
A: If enough people ask for it... I'll think about it.
CreditTomb Raider Core Design Minecraft Mine
Progress0% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by fess1996 12/03/2012 10:08:48 amDec 3rd, 2012

I'm not sure if i should continue on this project or not, it takes a lot of time each day and I don't have that sort of time right now.

If anyone wants to continue it, send me a PM and I'll link your PMC account in the project description.

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03/02/2013 9:05 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Dragon
Piccoloman's Avatar
Can't wait for this to finish
03/10/2013 9:49 pm
Level 20 : Expert Pony
fess1996's Avatar
I'm not sure I will be continuing this, as I've posted with-in the update log section, I have limited amounts of time for this now, and I'm moving on to new and bigger projects not involving Minecraft anymore.
09/24/2012 9:21 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
drewlino's Avatar
Fess for the next map you make can it please be 40 fathoms
12/03/2012 10:06 am
Level 20 : Expert Pony
fess1996's Avatar
I'm not entirely sure i'll be able to continue with this project, it takes an awfull long time, and it's not really worth it in the end.
12/03/2012 11:55 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
drewlino's Avatar
Awwww ok i understand
09/06/2012 10:19 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
drewlino's Avatar
Fess I just want you to know no matter how long it takes I will be with you on this project you can take your time it dosent matter u take as long as u want
09/14/2012 2:23 pm
Level 20 : Expert Pony
fess1996's Avatar
Well thank you, I do promises to have another map out soon, but its very slow progress :(
08/08/2012 12:22 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
drewlino's Avatar
Fess can u do 40 fathoms for the next map
08/06/2012 12:42 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
drewlino's Avatar
I also have a texture pack but its not off of a game its just what i think it should look like it is completed but i might get in trouble so i only give it to my friends
08/06/2012 12:47 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
drewlino's Avatar
OOh no i think i lost it )=
