Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Minecraft Winter Village

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Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Hi! My name is Martin but u can just call me Matt

So This is my first Project on Planet Minecraft and what i decided to do was using a normal Minecraft village and transforming it into a... better one and more Winter styled (basically what Grian normally does when he's transforming structures, except i try to keep the buildings as close as it its possible to what they'd normally look like)

Some things i'd still like to say:

  1. I've used a lot of World edit while doing this, so there might be a few pretty strange things about this map: for example i changed the biom in 500x500 square around the well in the middle of the town, so this might lead to some rather undordinary things
  2. I have tried to get enough lights everywhere around the village border, however if you should still find any zombies inside or find out about a certain spot where they can still spawn, please tell me

well i guess those two points where really the only ones i had to mention
Just have fun with the map if you ever use it and tell me if you know some ways i could improve certain things

(Minecaft Version 1.10.2)
CreditIts just me myself and I
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Nebelmatt 11/23/2016 4:39:24 pmNov 23rd, 2016

Next Update while still at the first day (i should propably try to make such minor changes before uploading it but i actually thought i was done at my first upload... god i was wrong)
First of all i've removed the old stonebricks at the housefloors with dark oak wood since i didnt really like the all cold looking bricks
I've also placed a few custom snow layers to make it all look at least a bit more snowy, but you propably wont recognize the difference
Also i changed a few minor mistakes at some houses, cause i've still had some of the framework with stonebricks while they should actually be spruce wood or i forgot to add some stairs at the lower parts of some roofs

Last but not least: now you're starting at one of the village entrances with an empty inventory in survival mode rather than a full invenotry at some random place in creative mod, cause i think if this things gets used by people it'll propably be for survival than creative

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