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Minerim -The Miner Scrolls V

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TheMinerScrollsV's Avatar TheMinerScrollsV
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
The Miner Scrolls V is here to bring you Minerim! A Minecraft version of Skyrim! If you would like to help please leave a comment below, or if you have any suggestions please PM me.

Talking to ElderCraft about joining together. "Why have to good servers when you can make 1 Great server?" -SneakyMuffin7.

[PLEASE NOTICE] If we join together to make one server it will be a (Possibly) long process. We would like you to hold on while we get everything set up.

Thank you for waiting!


If you are waiting for this project to finish why dont you go support "The Walls - XBOX EDITION" I know we can use the help on that! So far its AMAZING. I am spending my time on that while we are trying to find out what we will do. Thank you for waiting and go visit The Walls - XBOX EDITION


Why are you helping skycraft?

We are helping Skycraft because it is an amazing gaming community and I believe it should be more popular with what it has in-game! I don't think it gets any better then this! It has several amazing perks like Shouts, XP, Skill Points, Levels, Skyrim music in game, Required levels for tools and armor, Race, Age, Pick pocketing, Loot from killing wild creatures, quests, spells and more! They even have patches/updates where they release more mods to the game!


The server uses spoutcraft which allows all these amazing perks to function. You will need to download spoutcraft (Seperate launcher). If you do not feel safe with spoutcraft that is ok. The server is also whitelisted so when you go to the website you need to join and apply for whitelist.

SKYCRAFT - [Patch 0.2] Dawn of the Supernaturals
They have come..

Patch Notes:

* Added Vampires
* Added Werewolves
* Added Dungeons
* Added Levels
* Fixed Heroes
* Creating Quests


If you have any questions please email



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Sign-Ups Here!

Sign up for:

Head-Admin Full!

Admin Full!



Sign up status: CLOSED

Sign up by clicking "Sign-Ups Here!"

Have any questions?

You can leave them in the More information spot on the application


Minerim DLC Data:


Minerim Dawnguard DLC info

The Dawnguard DLC area will be avaliable for: UNKNOWN

DLC Premium

The DLC Premium Bundle Pack will give you instant access to the first 5 Minerim DLC's for: UNKOWN


DLC prices may change at anytime.

Minerim Archives data:
Minerim Map
The Minerim map is like the Skyrim map, but it will be a Minecraft Version with a few extras!
More Towns
Extra chests
New roads
And more coming soon!

Currently Building/Adding
(+ Adding/Making, - Taking away)
+Notched Pickaxe
+Spawn Castle (Starting castle in skyrim)
+Proper Terrain/Biom
(All Donors will have access to 24/7 Log in with no wait)
We currently are not accepting donations, If you would like to donate when we are please pm me your selection at any time! (We use PayPal at the moment)
***Donor Ranks and Perks***
Learner: $5 (Access to server before opening, Learner Starter Kit, Learner Title)

Apprentice: $10 (Access to server before opening, Apprentice Starter Kit, Access to Creative world, Apprentice Title)

High_Counsel: $15 (Access to server before opening, High_Counsel Starter Kit, Access to Creative world, Apprentice Title, Allowed to build before server opens in creative)

Jarls_Mage: $20 (Access to server before opening, Jarls_Mage Starter Kit, Access to all worlds, World Edit, Jarls_Mage Title, Ability to build before server opens with creative and World Edit, Join a Town as the Jarls Mage, Creative when server opens, /mute /kick /jail /md)

Jarl: $30 + (Op, Have your own town, Access to server before opening, Ability to build your town before server start, Jarl or custom title)

Additional Notes

You may NOT ban as a Jarl!

We want MATURE players!

No destroying blocks

Only accessing chests, buying houses and placing items in your houses!


If you happen to stumble on a bug please report it through a pm to me on Planet Minecraft! Thanks
Progress30% complete

11 Update Logs

Update #11: Status : by TheMinerScrollsV 10/28/2012 4:24:02 pmOct 28th, 2012

This project is currently "Dead" because we are working on school. The project will pick back up later this month or so. Thank you for waiting!

Create an account or sign in to comment.

12/22/2012 7:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rhexx's Avatar
is the server up and running and i cant get to skycraft site it syas there is no enjin site with that name? please help.

ps. Looks amazing cant wait!!!!
10/23/2012 10:17 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Mineslab's Avatar
This looks pretty amazing and for that imma give you a diamond. Also if you wouldnt mind could you check out my first ever video and you would be an amazing person if you would like and comment www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCKM915Hshs
10/20/2012 7:07 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
pro56's Avatar
i love skyrim and this looks soo cool
i wanted to do somthing like this, and i got building exp soo if you want some help i would love to :)
10/20/2012 7:12 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
TheMinerScrollsV's Avatar
Nice. Well we are trying to find out what we are going to do. So in your spare time you can visit : The Walls - XBOX EDITION
10/18/2012 6:53 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
xunic_fitz's Avatar
hey there this project looks good, i love skyrim and would love to offer my help in any way. age: 17 skype: xunic_fitz, experance: i am an head-admin on 3 servers, admin on 15 and a mod on 3,
i have resonantly started on planet minecraft with lots of upcoming projects to be revealed, if you need any help or have any questions don't hesitate to ask

10/18/2012 8:06 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
TheMinerScrollsV's Avatar
Sounds cool. I will need to copy and paste this to someone else as well so we can discuss it. Hopefully It wont take too long! Do you have spoutcraft?
10/18/2012 8:12 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
xunic_fitz's Avatar
yea i can access it easily i have been payed to work on servers resantly do you offer any rewards?
10/18/2012 8:14 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
TheMinerScrollsV's Avatar
What type of rewards are you looking for?
10/19/2012 6:55 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
xunic_fitz's Avatar
anything you are prepared to offered from something small to getting payed. i have been payed to work on 4 servers and it increases the productivity a great amount.
10/18/2012 5:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
davidv78's Avatar
I was going to be admin once remeber
