This Map is an entry in the completed PMC Server Spawn Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Holou Sun - PMC Spawn Contest Entry

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Level 39 : Artisan Architect

Hello guys! This is my entry for the PMC Spawn Contest. It's a well detailed symmetrical spawn with a centre tower surrounded by 4 buildings. There are 4 bridges that connect the middle tower to the buildings on the sides. The players spawn in the middle and drop down into water. They then can run to any of the 4 buildings across any of the 4 bridges. There is a big drop with a large pool at the bottom of each building. There is a big floor area with lots of detail and space for players to hang around in. In addition to the ground there are elevated sides to the spawn. There is no way up which is something I didn't put into consideration but the players can always type /spawn again to get back to the top.

Some Extra Words on the Project

I was very sad to find out that I wasn't even chosen as a Finalist for the contest which means my hard work and effort is just another little project on PMC. I'm not sure why I wasn't chosen because I put in more than 20 hours of work and I made sure to put a ton of detail. My only motivation during the contest was that I was certain I would be a finalist. When I first set out to build the spawn I was aiming for 3rd or 2nd place but as the contest progressed I realized it would be harder than I thought. I finally came to the conclusion that I wouldn't be in the top 3 because of all the astonishing builds other people have done. Rather I was sure I would be a Finalist, I was wrong. I guess my best skill wasn't enough and that means I'm going to have to revisit my some building tutorials and what not. Actually, I'm quite sure that the only reason I didn't make finalist because the presentation of my project. Had I used good well edited photos and had I added a cinematic I would have probably gotten many more diamonds and I would have been a finalist. It's kind of a stupid reason to not win but whatever. I'll just make sure to work on my presentation of my next project when the next contest comes around.

I was so nervous:


Although I wasn't a finalist, I am very happy that the few of you who gave this project a diamond and/or commented your feedback liked it. I always feel great whenever anybody compliments my work and I just want to say thanks because without you guys I would probably quit building.

If you cannot find the build, here are the coordinates:

X: 713

Y: 122

Z: -421

Thanks again, I hope you guys liked my project

see you next building contest!

Additional Notes

I started the first day but I got lazy half way through the contest. I was only half way done when the contest was almost done accepting submissions. I worked about 8 hours straight to finish the project. I was very tired when I finally finished but I was happy to know it was done. It was 3 am and I made a huge mistake that cost me a higher place and rating. Basically, I decided to be lazy and I didn't upload any good photos for pmc. So I just rounded up some crappy screenshots which I didn't even bother to edit. The contest was done accepting submisisons at 10 am my time. I could not edit my project until the contest was done it's judging state. People give you diamonds when they see something good. Which means even a crappy project could be made prettier and could place a higher position than mine. So yea, participant it is. Next contest >:D
Progress80% complete

1 Update Logs

Changes : by OnlyIn5DYT 07/27/2013 4:21:56 amJul 27th, 2013

Well the contest is finally over and I was able to add some good photos to my project. I was also able to add a proper description.

I plan to revisit the project and improve on it. By that I mean I will be adding custom terrain around it and I will create a cinematic video for it. This means I will need to re-render my photos but that's ok.

Thanks for your support

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03/08/2014 2:43 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Batman
What renderer did you use for the black and white picture?! It looks like real life!
03/08/2014 5:31 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
I actually used the exact same software for each one of the renders (Chunky). However I did go into photoshop elements and make every render look better. The water comes from Chunky and the black and white is from Photoshop elements.
10/04/2013 1:57 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
So I downloaded your map but where can I find your spawn? I went to X,Y (0,0). But it wasn't there?
10/04/2013 5:18 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Well if you downloaded it, you should spawn right on top of it. However you're right, the build is not at 0,0.
Here are the coordinates:
X: 713
y: 122
z: -421

I think I flew a little bit when I started the world because of a village or something in the way.
08/09/2013 6:02 am
Level 37 : Artisan Fox
I love it!!
08/09/2013 9:33 am
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
:) I'm creating terrain for it and then I'm going to make a cinematic for it like my 'Aucory Temple' build.
08/22/2013 4:22 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Fox
08/22/2013 5:45 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
07/28/2013 9:58 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
Wow this is amazing! :D I love the thumbnail :) +! Diamond for you <3
07/28/2013 10:16 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Thanks :)
