Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

My Third Desert House Bundle [DOWNLOAD]

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Mine Maus Craft
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
This is my third desert house bundle.
It contains 8 normal living houses, one market house and one decoration pond.
The houses do have interior decoration but the market house doesn't, I just didn't have any ideas... but I'll make it some day :-)

I hope you'll like them :-)

I was inspired by Dr_Bond's [Desert] Build Bundle. I didn't want to copy
his houses I wanted to build my own houses and this is the result :-)

A link to my first desert house bundle.
A link to my second desert house bundle.

This is a link to the Serentias Collection.

Some Information about the Texture Pack I'm using.

I'm using a custom texture pack and I changed some textures to have more decoration options.
So please note this when you download my creations and don't wonder if there is a rail in the kitchen. :-)
I didn't make all of the textures by myself that's why I'm not allowed to upload them.
But here's a list of what I've changed and what it looks like for me :-)

emerald block - wine rack
rail_activator - weapons or tools
rail_detector - map, placemats, envelope
noteblock - cabinet with drawers
redstone_torch - candle
daylight_detector - small side table with a doily
sponge - wodden box
wool_colored_purple - wodden box filled with food like apples, pears, potatoes, onions
wool_colored_pink - another wodden box
wool_colored_magenta - and another wodden box
wool_colored_lime - hay bales
steve's head - small box
creeper's head - another small box
skeleton's head - small melon
zombie's head - small pumpkin


I can't upload this texture pack, so that you'd have all of my changes, so I decided to make another one with the look of the default tp and only add the changes that may look strange without using it.
Here are two pictures that compare the default look with the Mine Maus More Deco Default look and a LINK for the download of the small texture pack.



Mods & Programs used.

This is how Serenitas looks today (26.10.15).

If you use any of my buildings please give me credit, using a link which leads to my profile here on PlanetMinecraft.
If you have a PlanetMinecraft account please send me a message if you use it, I just want to know it :-)

Please make sure to DiamondFavorite  and Subscribe and let me know what you think about it.

Thank you! :-)
Progress90% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Mine Maus Craft 10/27/2015 2:32:02 pmOct 27th, 2015

Added a world save and a schematic filefor download.

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10/30/2015 5:04 pm
Level 43 : Master Network
I always love seeing build designs from you. They inspire me to build as well. :D

it's neat to see who inspired you. I love the desert oasis design.
and the tiny pumpkins player heads you put on top of the normal pumpkins as well.

I espically like the publeo style home on the top right of of the first picture.
really good work. I'm going to use your idea of banners in a similar way. I've never thought of that.

i also saw someone else use japanse inspired banenrs to create walls for a japanese themed
apartment for the PMC contest.
Mine Maus Craft
10/31/2015 3:24 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Thank you very much for your comment :-)

But what is publeo?^^
10/31/2015 3:01 pm
Level 43 : Master Network
Maybe i didnt spellz it right? Publeo is building style.
Like.. modern, classical, retro,

Publeo is a type of home, building that ancient native americans lived in. made of sand,and mud with
logs ushally comeing out of the top of the home, or supporting the roof. Flat roofs. Ushally it was a
muti-residence building. But, they can be single residince as well.
Many people still make a type of modern-publeo style home today.  Google it, they look realy cool

i think they were mainly made by the indians who lived in arizona and the NW aird climats of N. America?
and possible in mexico as well centuries prior.. aztecs i belive designed publeo style homes as well.

google it, you should be able to find pictures and images for reffrence.
Mine Maus Craft
10/31/2015 3:56 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Now I googled "publeo houses" and I found many pics, and thanks that was the style of houses I was searching for another desert village :-)
This houses almost all stand alone but I also want to do such a simple style village thing in the future :-)
10/28/2015 5:58 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Jeez, your attention to detail is just incredible.  xD
Mine Maus Craft
10/29/2015 12:48 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Thank you very much Gray :-)
10/27/2015 10:15 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
I like your unique style. You're developing it very well!
Mine Maus Craft
10/28/2015 2:58 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Thank you very much for those kind words :-)
10/27/2015 6:09 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Mage
Like always, you always make my mind become blown. This is too good
Mine Maus Craft
10/27/2015 2:33 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Thank you very much :-)
