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Slazum23's Avatar Slazum23
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Though the map is not complete, as it requires extending I would like to hear from the community of what they think to it. I have copied the map saved it to a .rar file and uploaded it to:


Please could you leave comments on this post regarding your thoughts of this map and what could be done as a improvement, if you would be so kind as to keep in mind this is my first map creation for public use etc (it also took me a very short amount of time but I didno t want to continue it if nobody like it so far). This map idea would be used in my ideals as a great starter for players who are starting a new world and have played the game before and would like a starting adventure that turns into a world for development with treasures that are earned.


1.You are only allowed to break gravel, wool, dirt and sand.

2.No blocks should be placed to stop the flow of water or lava.

3.You start with nothing. (i may have messed up when saving ^^ who knows.)

4.You must play the map in order to leave a comment.


^^ Have fun.
Progress20% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Slazum23 12/16/2011 4:39:44 amDec 16th, 2011

Comment on it please!

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11/20/2011 5:35 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
Goldenseek's Avatar
You know that at the bottom of the editing page theres an option to put a link there and that way it will apear in its own little box on the right. Real nice job, though!
11/20/2011 5:40 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Slazum23's Avatar
Thanks, is there a way I can spread the word on this map a bit? just need about 20 good comments to make the decision of making it a real project worth extending and if people like it :)
11/20/2011 5:46 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
Goldenseek's Avatar
I think you should go for whatever you want to do. You could try out my custom map called "Lost Facility Escape" to get some ideas. I wouldnt mind if you used some, too. Keep making updates to it. But make sure to write down an update log every time you update! That way, your map goes back to the top of the list! Keep making updates and you should be fine. Dont forget to check out my map!
11/20/2011 5:48 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
Goldenseek's Avatar
Srry it sent twice :/
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