Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

[Æonis] Arc de l'Entrée Triomphale | Triumphal Arch

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Aeonis's Avatar Aeonis
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Architect
This project belongs to our main project, the Empire of Castaire.

Speeding progress a bit up, we have much at the long sleeve for you!

[Æonis] Arc de l'Entrée Triomphale | Triumphal Arch Minecraft Map
Following the conception of the grand parc axis, the marble arch is the entrance portal to Palais Castaire, the imperial residence of the Sacrecouronne family. While the boulevard was envisioned for around Germois (March) 1729, when the building site for Palais Castaire was just a site, the plans for the arch came up after the completion of the palace in 1742. The imperial family was missing a representative entrance for state guests, so plans were conceived for the creation of a marble arch right at the center of the Parc Central, making the whole boulevard towards the palace an avenue to showcase the power and wealth of the imperialty.

[Æonis] Arc de l'Entrée Triomphale | Triumphal Arch Minecraft Map
The marble arch is using the landscape features and thus has three arches spanning the two walkways and the carriage driveway seperately. While the outer arches are significantly lower and decorated by enourmous flower pots made of marble, the main arch extends the whole structure by several man-heights, culminating in a bow-shaped broken pediment with a decorative pinnacle at its centre.
[Æonis] Arc de l'Entrée Triomphale | Triumphal Arch Minecraft Map
Main Architects: Stevecurious & Paulzero
CreditCrescendo for the awesome soldier skins. Make sure to check them out at her profile!
Progress100% complete

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12/11/2018 4:16 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Creator_of_Future's Avatar
Very beautiful structure :)

LG Flo
