Minecraft Maps / Complex

Original World Trade Center Complex, Lower Manhattan - New York City in 2001 | Minecraft Complex Recreation & Project.

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Rhombusk's Avatar Rhombusk
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
A remake of the original World Trade Center Complex:

Built in 1:2 scale and in Version 1.12.2, with Cubic Chunks Mod;


And using Cubic Chunks mod to increase world height:

The project will consist of the following;
  • North & South Towers of the WTC.
  • Marriot Hotel (Three World Trade Center)
  • Four, Five, Six, and Seven World Trade Center.
  • Mall at the World Trade Center.
  • Six Sublevels which were below the Complex

Each Tower has been modified to a total of 52 Floors, due to it's reduction to 1:2 scale. The tower stands 200 blocks. And it's antenna 50 blocks. The scaling is not completely perfect, unfortunately, but it is still relatively close.

I was unable to find blueprints for the South Tower, but that of the North tower is relatively accurate. The core system (Elevators and stairways) is not confirmed to be accurate. I am definite that a majority of the core is as it was in the real towers. Each tower has it's detailed and close to accurate elevator system. With Express elevators, local elevators, Service Elevators, and Stairways.

I may eventually add the World Financial Centers located west of the complex. And a download may be added in the future, this depending on the popularity of the project

The project will also have interiors for some parts of the Complex. Not every floor of the towers will include such, but there are sky lobby's and offices to be added.

As I have mentioned, the project is built with Cubic Chunks and in version 1.12.2. No other mods are being used to create this project. And I am spending multiple hours building every day. (This before school begins...)

I also may eventually change versions but I am using this at the time so that I may use Cubic Chunks. To make the build height accurate in 1:2 scale. I must build up to 265 Blocks. But I will be adding the 6 sublevels that ran below the towers. By adding this, it will contribute to the height of the build. So I must use this mod for now.

For those who don't know, the original world trade center complex was destroyed on September 11th, 2001 by terrorist hijackers who flew two planes into both buildings of the world trade center. 2 other planes were wrecked as well, becoming an event which changed the lives of all Americans forever. A total of over 2,000 people died on 9/11, nonetheless many of those who survived passed away several years later due to diseases caused by the harmful chemicals in the site when both towers collapsed several hours after being hit.

Never Forget - Wildfire Today

This project isn't intended to ridicule or cause any disrespect to the victims who suffered a horrific tragedy that day. This project is in honor of the souls who lost their lives on that unforgettable day. Please refrain from making any disrespectful comments below, such as innuendoes describing airplanes, or anything making fun of the event.

I expect this reduction to be close to accurate, as I have done a lot of research especially on sublevels, and the elevator system in the towers. I have wished to do this project for a little more than a year. The original project I intended was around this time last year, and was never completed, nor anyway accurate as this one is.

Please leave a heart and diamond and even subscribe to help me and this project out! With Gratitude,

Progress100% complete

21 Update Logs

9/11 Update. : by Rhombusk 09/11/2020 1:59:33 pmSep 11th, 2020

On this day 19 years ago, 4 aircraft's were hijacked. Two of which crashed into each of the original World Trade Center towers. The other two were also crashed. Over 2,000 people lost their lives, including first responders, passengers, and workers. A horrific day, today was. It is an important remembrance. It will be remembered forever in American history.

I hope you enjoy the new photo's from my project. Please leave a like and diamond to sho support to the project.

Never Forget.


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03/25/2022 2:40 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
TimeWarpDrive's Avatar
Welp... Time to build a slimeblock machine

06/15/2021 4:39 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
JosephGalacto's Avatar
06/22/2021 12:36 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
Rhombusk's Avatar
The world trade center towers? The original buildings were destroyed in a horrific attack by two airplanes that hit each building. After some hours, both towers fell. During this time, one aircraft hit the pentagon building, and other crashed somewhere else in Pennsylvania.
09/19/2020 9:58 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
lellio's Avatar
I'm absolutely dumbfounded. This is incredible!

Might I ask where you found the blueprints? I've found the WTC mall layout, which I am using for my rendition, but I've not been able to find any original layouts.
09/19/2020 10:13 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
Rhombusk's Avatar
I've found several maps of the mall on the internet by simply searching 'Original world trade center mall map'.

I also looked at http://www2.ae911truth.org/WTC1_blueprints.php For the north tower blueprints. There isn't a source for the south tower, but then again both buildings were almost identical.

Another great source was the mega world trade center picture thread, where I found a crap ton of photos of the complex. https://www.skyscrapercity.com/threads/the-mega-wtc-picture-thread.56090/

Hope you can find what you need!
09/11/2020 8:10 pm
Level 27 : Expert Miner
Luka2002's Avatar
A very sad day. May God have mercy on those souls that were lost.
08/18/2020 4:48 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
Marcboy99's Avatar
Looking good so far man! Been following the project since you told me about it and you are doing a wonderful job, keep it up!
08/21/2020 8:33 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
Rhombusk's Avatar
Thank you so much, dude. I really appreciate it. My project has had a lot of influence from your own and I thank you for your support and inspiring words.
08/27/2020 9:02 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
Marcboy99's Avatar
You are absolutely welcome sir! Can not wait to see the finished product 😃.
07/29/2020 3:07 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Enchanter
superlogan101's Avatar
ima download a plane mod
