Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Peaceful Village [1.5] [V.3] [Schematic]

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Jenthura's Avatar Jenthura
Level 28 : Expert Blockhead
Hello again, everyone, and welcome to Peaceful Village V.3!

Not much has changed since V.2, excluding the new lighting and daylight-sensing system.

1. More lights along the walls, so fewer areas are dark. It's still much too dark, and mobs spawn in the alleys and roof tops, but I'm gonna work on that.
2. All Redstone lamps now switch on automatically at sunset. They switch back off at dawn. Visit the back of the North tower (the one across from the entrance tower) to see the daylight sensor in action.

That's all for now, thanks for diamond-ing!

Old Version (v.2)

Hello Planet!

This is my first large-scale build done entirely for PMC. Thato��s right, I was thinking of you guys the entire time.

Ito��s not entirely done (see to-do list) but with your helpful encouragement I know I can finish it.

Dono��t forget to diamond!

Note: This map was intended as a server spawn or city, but could also be used for single player worlds.

Also Note: The world download includes the renders at 1366x768 so you can use them as desktop backgrounds. Keep that in mind if you're extracting the .RAR directly into your .minecraft/saves folder.


Redstone lamp streetlight system at the flick of a lever.

Semi-automatic de-squiding pool.

Four large buildings for higher-ranking citizens.

Four towers o��East, West, North, Southo�� two for citizen usage, one for the main gate and one for redstone-related machinery.

Forty-eight medium houses for middle-class citizens.

Thirty-six small houses for low-ranking citizens.

Twenty-eight perfectly-trimmed trees, each equipped with a redstone-lamp trunk.

Four Nether portals.

Two Enchanting Rooms.

Two Smelting Rooms.

And lots more to come!

To-do list:

Make a redstone clock capable of timing day and night cycles, making the streetlight system completely automatic! (This clock can be seen in construction on the Redstone tower. It is currently dysfunctional)

Make a much better front gate. The current gate is nothing more than an iron door.

Improve the semi-automatic de-squiding pool.

Make the city completely mob-free, currently, a few alleys and roofs are still mob farms.

Click here if you'd like to download the old version. (V.2)

Progress80% complete

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01/16/2014 10:45 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
This is a very nice project! The 'tiled' style gives it a really nice, tesselated effect and the trees down the boulevards make it seem warm and friendly. Onw thing though, the towers seem really stubby and the towers + walls seem really uniform.
I hope you don't mind, but it has inspired me to create a village of my own in this style ( s1360.photobucket.com/user/HybridZuni/media/CityMap_zpsfdcddb22.png.html?sort=3&o=0 ) you will certainly be credited for the inspiration :)
01/16/2014 11:29 pm
Level 28 : Expert Blockhead
Jenthura's Avatar
Thanks! I'm glad I could inspire you! You're quite right, and I might someday revisit this with new ideas, but yours looks just perfect.
Go ahead and finish it, you've got my diamond already queued up! :D
01/18/2014 3:16 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
Thanks for the support, I've already finished some of the houses. I'll tell you when it's done.

Unfortunately there will be no MCedit, as I am an uneducated blockhead in the world of mods. Maybe I'll figure it out in time :P
01/19/2014 2:17 am
Level 28 : Expert Blockhead
Jenthura's Avatar
Dude, seriously, you should get MCedit. It's not a mod, it's a third-party program for editing Minecraft worlds. You can get it here.
Just watch some videos on it, the stuff you can do is amazing. This town, for instance, I only built a fourth of it, then used MCedit to copy that fourth, rotate it and place it three times to make a whole. It's super useful!
01/25/2014 9:38 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
I got MCedit, how would I do what you described? (copy, rotate)
01/26/2014 11:08 pm
Level 28 : Expert Blockhead
Jenthura's Avatar
Here's a really good video tutorial by SethBling. He'l teach you all you need to know!
01/25/2014 8:24 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
Okay, I'll get that. Have I seriously just been doing four times as much work as I needed to?
01/07/2014 8:50 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
famestar's Avatar
nice :D
01/07/2014 12:45 pm
Level 28 : Expert Blockhead
Jenthura's Avatar
You're welcome!
01/07/2014 6:57 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
FLux_'s Avatar
Awesome work dude, I love the redstone lamp system :D
