This Map is an entry in the completed PMC Server Spawn Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

[Contest] PMC Spawn of Valient-ness! (48th Place!)

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Stevenleonon's Avatar Stevenleonon
Level 40 : Master Steve
NOTE: I made the project reel, so thank you all so much! Cookies for everyone! *gives cookie to you!*
BIG BIG BIG NOTE FOR THE JUDGES: The planet in the pictures is NOT the planet that is currently used in the spawn. I have just updated it, and it is not the same size, and I've edited all the land masses myself. ;D

Hey! Welcome to my submission for the PMC Server Spawn Contest!
It's gone pretty well, (especially since I'm the only builder, and I suck. xD) and I'm very happy with the outcome. I'd try to explain the spawn to you, but it's kind of difficult to do. So, check out the screenshots above, download the world, or I'll just point out some of the highlights...
1) There are 7 spires holding up a planet, which is floating above spawn. I HAVE edited the planet in every single way.
2) The spawn is multi-level, so it adds a nice little touch to it. :)
3) It is a large spawn, definitely able to hold 200 people and more, however it is not so spacious that everyone is spread out by a lot.

Anyways, this has taken me quite hours. I've been using MCEdit, SPC, and my bare hands! Also, I've been using Chunky for all the rendered pictures. It's been a lot of fun, and if you have anything to suggest, suggest it in the comments below! Although the contest is almost done... ;)

With luck, maybe when I'm done this will make the top 100. Hopefully. Maybe. Possibly. Quite likely not. BUT WE SHALL HOPE FOR IT ANYWAYS! :D

Thank you all for reading to the end, (if you really have) so here's a cookie! *gives cookie to you*

Additional Notes

Thanks to Eco212 for some help with SinglePlayerCommands... that stuff can get tricky some times!
CreditXoyjaz for helping out in multiple ways! :)
Progress95% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Stevenleonon 07/09/2013 10:37:44 amJul 9th, 2013

Added completed download, and updated description.

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07/22/2013 8:54 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Zombie
RedCandy44's Avatar
wow very nice :3
07/22/2013 9:24 am
Level 40 : Master Steve
Stevenleonon's Avatar
Thank you. ^-^
07/22/2013 9:28 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Zombie
RedCandy44's Avatar
no problem :)
07/13/2013 9:27 am
Level 28 : Expert Taco
Phoenix_13's Avatar
07/18/2013 2:54 pm
Level 40 : Master Steve
Stevenleonon's Avatar
Thanks for your support. :)
07/12/2013 9:28 pm
Level 26 : Expert Grump
IceCream_Sundae's Avatar
The good thing is this looks good up close, as you would be IN the spawn! A lot of the spawns for this contest look great far away in creative, but up close they are blocky and almost distorted looking (shame, because a lot of them are beautifully crafted). Though I want THIS ONE TO WIN. :DDDD I love it. Everything about it.
07/12/2013 9:34 pm
Level 40 : Master Steve
Stevenleonon's Avatar
Haha, thank you very much! I really doubt it will win, because even up close and distorted, the other spawns still look great. This is also kinda of unique generic design... but thank you for your support! :)

Miss Shadowz
07/10/2013 10:41 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Artist
Miss Shadowz's Avatar
I like the rules *diamond*
07/10/2013 11:00 am
Level 40 : Master Steve
Stevenleonon's Avatar
Ehm, okay. Thank you. x3
Military Minecraft
07/10/2013 9:12 am
Level 74 : Legendary Engineer
Military Minecraft's Avatar
Wow I really like this! Great job steven. Diamond and subed!
