Minecraft Maps / Complex

Project Dunwall

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Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
Building ALL of Dishonored 1 in Minecraft

1:1 scale

Not trying to poke at others attempts, however as far as I can see this is the ONLY attempt that is at the correct scale. Which makes me wonder if others simply went off memory. I however have thousands of ingame screenshots to go off of.

Being built in 1.20.1 with Create Mod.

Dunwall City overall 2%

The Hounds Pitts 99%
Flooded District 20%
Financial District 0%
Dunwall Tower 20%
Coldridge Prison 99%
Kaldwin's Bridge 20%
Boyle Mansion 0%

Distillery District 0%
Golden Cat 0%
High Overseer's Office 0%
Drapers ward 0%
Slaughter House Row 0%
Estate District 0%
Legal District 0%
Clocktower District (a cut area of Dishonored 1 which honestly is a shame) 1%
Brigmore Mansion area 0%
Kingsparrow Island (final area of Dishonored 1) 0%
Misc in the Wrenhaven River 1%
Misc City elements 1%
Misc land elements 1%
Progress10% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 Been actively workin : by HellmasterTrooper 05/04/2024 4:34:04 pmMay 4th, 2024

Sorry for the silence. Been actively working on Dunwall tower.

Posted new image.

boy oh boy is it a doozy.

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10/08/2024 4:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
This looks really good so far, and I wanted to ask what method did you use to convert the scale of dishonored into minecraft? I'm working on a recreation of the 2nd mission in dishonored 2 and have had problems going by eye only to determine the scale of the world for worldpainter, and the general scale of buildings in the game. But by far the hardest thing about the section of d2 that I'm working on has a large amount of buildings on really awkward angles, so I'm wondering how you are combating similar issues and keeping everything as close to the game as possible. But anyways, really good job on the worldpaint btw, and have you tried distant horizons for the render distance issue?
07/29/2024 7:48 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Looks stunning so far. I shall be watching your career with great interest.
07/24/2024 10:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
how do i downlode it
05/04/2024 10:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
This is the most faithful recreation I've seen so far.
04/15/2024 11:35 am
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
This looks incredible! I've been looking forward to any Dishonored themed maps, but the game unfortunately just isn't as popular as it was years ago. I'm also building a similar thing in my survival world. I look forward to progress on this map and when it'll be available to play! Keep up the great work!
03/16/2024 10:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
01/29/2024 12:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Bro it's HUGE job, well done!

I really wanted to see a Boyle Mansion to rebuild it in my server with friends.

But i think, i can get some others great ideas from ur map.
01/30/2024 11:52 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
oh ill get there. working on various areas bit by bit.
Now that i have an edited version of Patrix resource pack, ie more shades of stone brick, im not hitting such a builders block.
After Kaldwins bridge/sokolovs lab
im onto the castle.
trying to build large locations first to orient myself and make it a somewhat walkable map, than what dishonored was.
Using Disonored 1 and 2 for this project. cause you see a great deal more of the rich part of the city and backside of the castle, and castle without all the metal stuff at the start of 2. Also the DLC of 1, knife of dunwal.. im only a bit of a fan.
01/30/2024 1:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ll keep an eye on the updates. I really want to learn how to build better, without copying everything completely, but to look for some tricks from others: a palette of blocks, decor, etc.
I’m sure I’ll also find something for myself in your maps
01/31/2024 9:57 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
honestly just keeping at it. is the best way to get better, also not to be discouraged by others, or how they build. Believe me, even i get jelly of how good others build.
I was pretty crap when i started out. But that was 13 years ago.
the amount of detail you can get with minecraft now is wild.
