Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

[Prototype] Meh-ropa (4k, Central Europa, Realworld and why this map is bad)

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McMeddon's Avatar McMeddon
Level 85 : Elite Wizard Unicorn

[Prototype] Meh-ropa (4k, Central Europa, Realworld and why this map is bad) Minecraft Map


Meh-ropa is a 4000x4000 Minecraft Map attempt to recreate from real world Data. For a non World Engineering person this might seem pretty cool, and for sure - everything deviating from default Minecraft is cool to see. But for me this is maybe a 1/5 or 2/5 star map.

But why is it Bad?

Its bad in the eye of the beholder. And in mine it is.

Point 1. Scaling

Click to reveal
nationscyclopedia: Extreme length N–S is 1,574 km (978 mi) and greatest breadth E–W is 499 km (310 mi). Sweden has a total area of 449,964 sq km (173,732 sq mi): land area, 410,934 sq km (158,663 sq mi); water area, 39,030 sq km (15,070 sq mi), including some 96,000 lakes.

Scaling such a huge map down to a 4000x4000 Meter area is incredibly hard. Distances and smooth transitions between 2 mountains becomes just noise. You can smooth that off and erode the terrain (like i did) but still results in a meta noise. thats neither nice to look at nor to experience. Mountains become interpolated and smoothed out resulting in those weird cones and not looking great terrain, landscape hills get lost and so on

Point 2. Coastlines

That one goes on my cap, by having worked on previous maps with bigger mountains in height/scale the coastline was particular weirdly hard to make for this one. Making coastlines with a pixel perfect line in Gaea is, i find, pretty hard. Since gaea handles heights always in a relative way, so 1% difference in the settings can result in around 5-15blocks in difference. I think there are ways to make it more accurate but the technique i use is pretty on point for "my maps" for now :D

But despite all that rant: the coastlines are too high

Point 3. The landscape accuracy

Rivers, biomes , forest selection areas.. Without real data they are hard to remake, so i went for a procedural approach on this topic. At this point there is so much Data missing out where i doubt to evaluate this as a "replica" of Europe. And despite my knowledge, i find, I'm missing on so many points. But even with the real world data, i don't think you can accurately represent the real world in this scale without some form of downside. Rivers would be 1 block wide, forests maybe a few trees deep and the coastline hard to imagine.

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[Prototype] Meh-ropa (4k, Central Europa, Realworld and why this map is bad) Minecraft Map

❌ Download
✅ 4000x4000
✅ Java
❌ Bedrock
✅ Exported for 1.16
✅ Custom tree’s
✅ Custom foliage
✅ Caves, Ores
✅ Custom river systems & river shore plants
✅ Wallpapers
✅ Water Level 62 (Minecraft Default is 62)
Patreon Village included (with all new Patreons from 2020 Dec 24 )
❌ structures or strongholds

[Prototype] Meh-ropa (4k, Central Europa, Realworld and why this map is bad) Minecraft Map

Possible questions:
🞂 Which Programs did you use?


🞂 How long did it take to make it?
  ca around 7h over in two sessions and multiple hours of shooting with chunky renderer to make some images happen

🞂Did you make those assets?
  Yes, they are enhanced default tree’s and assets I made.

🞂 What are your plans with these maps?

- Prototype Maps

  Those are for me to learn key aspects of projects i wish to do/create/develope

- Other General Maps
  These are adventure maps, survival maps, creative maps for you to build, play and explore. For my part, i gain new techniques and experience with every new map, building on that for the next and making map by map better maps.

🞂 Timelapse? Showcase? Breakdown?
  Uploaded, coming soon (follow the yt channel)

Progress100% complete

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12/30/2020 8:55 am
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
TNTFortify's Avatar
i could use this for a server map its soo good
12/30/2020 8:54 am
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
TNTFortify's Avatar
wow this does NOT look bad, but you should add a download
12/29/2020 11:58 am
Level 31 : Artisan Mountaineer
Emil____'s Avatar
You can use the height change feature in worldpainter to scale the height, making the world more flat and the mountains less sharp/tall.

For the coastlines and landscape accuracy, I think that some creative liberty is ok.
12/29/2020 1:42 pm
Level 85 : Elite Wizard Unicorn
McMeddon's Avatar
ya i know about the height feature, but the problem was more fundamental starting in Gaea - and there are also so many custom brush maps depending on it

but thanks for the advice
