Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Realistic Survival World (4096x4096)

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cqdyer96's Avatar cqdyer96
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
I am creating a 4096x4096 survival map that is complete with custom designed npc villages and cities.  I currently have the world nearly finished am I am starting to build the various structures that will be in the towns and cities.  I am also writing a script that will replace the content of the stock minecraft npc villages with the npc structures that I have created.  These structures vary by biome and include a total of 5 different architectural styles.  Please check it out now and then for updates.  I will be including many pictures and a video once finished.

The schematic included is of a house that will exist in towns on this map.

By the way I take donations in the form of Dogecoin!  If I reach 2500 Doge in donations I will release a download link of this map for everyone.  To donate Doge scan this qr code:


Thank you very much for your support and if you like what you see please leave a comment, diamond, or subscribe!
Creditcqdyer96, Breadman
Progress70% complete

6 Update Logs

Update 0.05 : by cqdyer96 08/27/2014 9:12:53 pmAug 27th, 2014

  • Added 5 more houses to the world
  • Added small paths and roads 
  • Built a small town centre
  • Removed all of the Lentebriesje trees from my forest layers (the new layers used can be found here)

Once again I apologize for the lack of updated photos but the itself landscape hasn't changed much (other than the new trees obviously)

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08/22/2014 7:51 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Terraformer
jannekloeffler's Avatar
hey guy you have realy good potential, but i think you would be able to do a litle bit more realsitic landscape.
and if you use chunky to render pictures it would be a lot beter then the normal screenschots
maybe you want to look at some of my terraforming projekts too :) at the moment iam workin on a projekt whitch is kind of simmilar to this: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/world-of-aegeon-rpg-map-4100x4100-custom-terrain-with-dungeons-citys-and-villages/
08/22/2014 1:25 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
cqdyer96's Avatar
Yeah I would use chunky or something else to render the pictures but I just didn't have the time and really had to post screenshots because admins had disabled my post because I had few screenshots.  I will check out your stuff.  Thanks for your interest!
08/21/2014 2:38 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blob
Fudds's Avatar
Cool! Diamond :D
08/21/2014 3:46 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
cqdyer96's Avatar
Thank you so much!
08/18/2014 11:22 am
Level 27 : Expert Ninja
thedarkwarlord's Avatar
Did you use custom brushes (for the terrain) in Worldpainter (obviously you used custom trees)? Or just the normal ones?
08/18/2014 12:07 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
cqdyer96's Avatar
I actually used a pretty even combination.  What I did use custom brushes for I mostly smoothed out so you can barely tell that I did use my own brushes.
08/17/2014 7:07 am
Level 78 : Legendary Engineer
FEX___96's Avatar
false schematic file? It's only an house...
08/17/2014 9:28 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
cqdyer96's Avatar
Yeah Obviously I can't give you a 4096x4096 schematic so I gave you an idea of what kindas of houses would be in the map.  Also thank you for subscribing.  I will be posting updates often and also I have some plans fo some other great projects.
08/21/2014 1:06 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Princess
Floki's Avatar

"Realistic Survival World"

You cant put alreayd made houses into a survival world..
That takes the fun out of it...

08/21/2014 1:09 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
cqdyer96's Avatar
Thats ridiculous!  In vanilla Minecraft itself there is code to generate villages so how does it ruin it.  My houses are just better than those made by Minecraft's stock world generation.  If anything it add to the realism and the fun of the game because in real life you will find houses and towns that people built that look far nicer than anything minecraft's world generation could do.
