Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

| Red Keep - Game of Thrones / House of the Dragon | [DOWNLOAD]

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Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
This map is free to use, but don't forget to give me all the credit!

I started building a NEW RED KEEP with the entire interior.


This is one of my largest and most complex building ever.
The interior is outside the castle! Because the interior does not correspond to the exterior of the castle, because they are the backdrops of a series and not the real castle. Many things did not make sence there, such as the throne room, the tower of the hand and more...

King's Landing https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/king-s-landing-game-of-thrones/
Casterly Rock with download https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/casterly-rock-game-of-thrones-house-of-dragon/
Driftmark https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/driftmark-amp-high-tide-game-of-thrones-house-of-the-dragon/

It's not quit done yet, there are still a lot of things to be done.
Click on update for more pictures.
Let me know what you think.

The Red Keep, a castle succeeding the Aegonfort, is the residence of the King of the Andals and the First Men, his family and his court, located within King's Landing, the capital of the Six Kingdoms. It dominates the skyline of the city, and serves as the city's primary fortress and redoubt. It also houses the government of the Six Kingdoms.
Progress85% complete

25 Update Logs

Update #25 : by Joffrey77 10/26/2024 8:36:06 amOct 26th, 2024

Tyrion's office with bedroom and courtyard. This is an old update that I haven't published yet.


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02/05/2025 6:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
где последния версия с интерьером?
02/05/2025 3:49 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
Она еще не такая.
01/26/2025 5:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey Joffrey . I cannot find the interior outside the castle like you said in your latest download.
Also can you just release a new version like it is now 85 % completed ? It will help me a lot .
01/27/2025 10:28 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
85% is the old version.
01/25/2025 7:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hi Joffrey, you are great. builder if you give up, could you release the download of it with the interiors the way they are??
01/26/2025 4:30 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
Maybe. I deleted what I was working on, but I have all the interiors separately.
01/26/2025 8:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
If you could make it available I would thank you, congratulations on your great work, you are a great professional.
01/24/2025 1:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey, Joffrey just wondering when you think the new Red Keep build will be available to the public? A few months ago you said you were working on the interior again. How far along are you? I was looking to use this build in February potentially. So it would be amazing if it was close to done by then.
01/24/2025 4:26 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
Hello, I've actually been thinking about quitting for a while now, so I don't know when it will be complete. I like to finish my projects, I don't like to leave them in a state I'm not happy with. But I really can't say when that will be or when I will continue to do something.
01/24/2025 9:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
You build very well, and if I played in your red keep I would feel like I was inside the house of the dragon, but I understand your side, just don't leave this red keep forgotten, if you give up, release it as it was before please.
