Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Redstone Addon Pack

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Cosmic Lightning
Level 28 : Expert Miner

Above is Original Post


You May use this for whatever you wish even commercially just leave the credits where they are and if you transfer to another pack, just give a credit to me as well or use the pack icon along with the credits note for blockbench. Also if you transfer, only image needs size change is the redstone dust overlay1 to whatever texture size your pack is. Pack Icon is my symbol for all my resource packs. It is a twin king gemini eagle. rotate it to see twin king and again to see the twin eagle.

Notes: It wasn't as easy as it looks to get it the way I wanted. It took me 35 times to perfect the liquid look. I also can't change the color of redstone unless you use mcpatcher and optifine.

It should work on 1.11 as it uses the same pack number from 1.11 and up. I'm certain if I knew the pack numbers, it could work all the way down to 1.8.

I hope you enjoy it.

Link just in case original post gets lost


All the people in the additional credit is my alias' except for BlockBench.
CreditCosmicJLightning, BlockBench, Cosmic Lightning, Skylie900, and Cosmic Storm
Progress100% complete

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Cosmic Lightning
12/31/2017 4:47 pm
Level 28 : Expert Miner
I'm currently going to update this so my models will work with your resourcepack instead, I'm hope you enjoy. For redstone dust model, the images will stay so you know what you need to change it with. color will stay red, but it details the animation for it.
