Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Village of Riverwood | Skyrim Build

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DustyDesigns's Avatar DustyDesigns
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
Riverwood is a moderate sized community located inVindictacraft UK.

The village is built on the eastern bank of the White Sea.It's a small Nordiccommunity in a valley, between the river and the steep mountainside, in an area relatively clear of trees. It serves largely as a stopping point and rural community.


Riverwood was founded by the ancestor Jarl Dusty, Overseer of the High Ferox VII, current resident and owner of the village. The village is small, consisting of a lumber mill, inn, blacksmith, general-goods store and log houses and huts with small vegetable gardens. The village is largely self-sufficient, growing its own vegetables as well as hunting and fishing for meat. Trade is made through the blacksmith and goods store, and what cannot be found locally or bought from travelers passing through may be bought from the Small market. While the village is walled along its entrances, these walls are not initially patrolled by guards, and the rural village is largely defenseless.

Points of Interest


  • Hod and Gerdur's House
  • Faendal's House
  • Markarth's House
  • Muriels' House
  • Tamrod's House
  • Alvor and Sigrid's House
  • Sven and Hilde's House
  • Alvor and Sigrid's House


  • General Good Store. Run and owned by Lucian Valerius
  • Blacksmith. Located next to Alvor's House, and also owned by him.
  • Lumbermill. Run by Hod, Several types of wood is buyable here.
  • Fishing Spot. Local Fishers mostly sell raw fish here
  • Market. Contains a Backery, Seed stall and general shop. Owned and set up by the Khajijt Muriel.

  • Hunter's Lodge with small forest
  • A few Towers + Walls
  • Pig Farm
  • Several Grain Farms
  • A Well on the island
  • Ranger's Guild Home.
  • Sleeping Giant Inn. Run by Orgnar and Delphine.
  • Stone Bridge, Found out the Bones of a Bronze Dragon.

As seen above, the city is designed and built by Dusty0245. The Landscape has been Worldpainted, and is done by FeroxVII.FeroxVII also helped with some small points of detail, and interiors on some points.

Also thanks for the owner and founder of VindictaCraftUK, where this Village is located. For the Wiki Page about Riverwood click here. For VindictaCraftUKo s PMC Page click here. Do you want to join Vindicta? Send me or FeroxVII a mail with your motivation and maybe you will be accepted.

Thanks for looking at my project. I'm planning on updating this a few times, and maybe add a Worldsave. Any ideas, response, critism?

Let me know below!

Did you love this? Diamond/Sub/Fav is much appreciated.

"Under Creative Commons Licence"

Creative Commons-Licentie
Riverwood fromDusty0245 is under Creative Commons Licence.

You can:
  • Edit this for own-use
  • Use this for your maps, server, etc.
  • Download this
  • Share this (If credit 100% goes to me)
If you:

  • Give me Credits, containing a link to my PMC profile, and to Riverwood
  • Do not claim it as your own.
  • Do not use it for Commercial use

NB: The 'Worldsave' does contains 16 HD Screenshots & The Riverwood Schematic.
Progress100% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by DustyDesigns 06/20/2013 2:09:30 pmJun 20th, 2013

Youtube Cinematic / Let's Show added!

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06/20/2013 3:19 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
EdiBoy21's Avatar
Ohh.. yeah! And agan freaking nice job!
06/20/2013 3:20 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
DustyDesigns's Avatar
06/20/2013 2:40 pm
Level 21 : Expert Hunter
titanic19121912's Avatar
here im going to make a huge map but could i use this ill give you 100% FOR THE TOWN ONLY ok all the rest is my buildings ok ill even say u did k but wow i could diamond ALL of your projects if u want! i big fan!
06/20/2013 2:47 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
DustyDesigns's Avatar
If proper credit is given, you are free to use this for your map. Let me know though, I'd love to see it!

Diamonds are always appreciated :)

Pancake slayer
06/20/2013 2:21 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Pancake slayer's Avatar
great work
06/20/2013 2:28 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
DustyDesigns's Avatar
Yay, thanks :D
05/18/2013 8:38 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Turtle
Creeper_World's Avatar
This is inspiring good job!
05/19/2013 3:18 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
DustyDesigns's Avatar
Thank you :D
05/08/2013 5:04 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Fighterbear12's Avatar
You'll be as good as Block_Fortress one day, you're making steady progress.
05/08/2013 7:56 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
DustyDesigns's Avatar
Now that's a compliment!
