Minecraft Maps / Other

SSB in Minecraft (WIP, PvP map) 0.7

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DepthStrider's Avatar DepthStrider
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
SSB in Minecraft (WIP, PvP map) 0.7 Minecraft Map
I'm working on a pvp map based on the SSB (Super Smash Bros.) games. As of right now the most values and features are from Brawl, but I'd like to add a bit more Melee and SSB4-ish feel too. The map is not ready for playtesting yet, although many of the core systems needed to run the game are made. I've created knockback (with scaling, although I apologize for the video quality), falling speed, sounds, etc. I am not trying to make money from this. This map is purely for the SSB fans and anyone else who'd like to try it for free (I will most likely use mediafire as I don't earn money from it). There is currently 3 characters confirmed to be in the DEMO, Captain falcon, Fox and Mario, I intend to have 5 starter characters. Perhaps you could tell me in the comments for what character you'd like me to add (based on "votes"), I'm not going to add third-party characters that haven't been seen in any official SSB game yet (Sonic and Snake? Yes Ridley? No). I might later, other than that any character from the games is allowed.

If you want more videos or gifs it'd probably be a better idea to go to the main thread or my Youtube channel (as planetminecraft only allows 1 video).
SSB in Minecraft (WIP, PvP map) 0.7 Minecraft Map
Short gif showing that shields now break if you deal enough damage to the shield (only with melee attacks currently).
Progress total: 23%~
Progress DEMO: 29.6%~
MinecraftForums (Original thread) http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/maps/wip-maps/2556300-super-smash-bros-px-for-1-9
Hypixel thread: https://hypixel.net/threads/super-smash-bros-in-minecraft-1-9-wip-custom-knockback-shields-and-more.546502/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNsqyUvKLteBJ6kjUdR_tTA

First video removed.
Second video added. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-XfsGiARbE
Map contribution:
Want to make a stage for the game (DEMO-only for now)? I'd be happy to look at it, but I won't garuantee that I'll use it (depends on skill level and such). There are a few rules you need to follow:
[!] By making a map you allow me to use your built creation in my map. There will be re-sizing and minor fixes. This is to further adapt it to the gameplay of the map. You must accept this until you send me a map. [!]
1. The stage should not contain any redstone or command blocks that alters the stage in anyway, perferably redstone/command blocks shouldn't even be in the schematic/world download. If redstone is in the way it will be removed.
2. There shouldn't be any entities on the stage, however entities used for decoration (armorstands, etc...) are allowed to a certain degree and if you're going to use a lot of entities I'd like you to notfiy me about it.
3. The map should be within a region of atleast 30x30x20 (length, width and hight) and a maximum of 50x50x50 (exceptions are already large maps such as "Hyrule Temple". Ideally you'd have it around 50x50x30.
4. You agree to the fact that I can modify this stage. Read the red text.
5. You must understand the fact that I WILL give you credit for all your stages and you'll be added as a contributor. This is very important, never forget that I will credit you.
6. The stage has to be made in 1.8+ (or be compatible with newer snapshots/versions).
7. You must state what version the map was made in.
8. The stage must be from an official "Super Smash Bros." game.
9. Before you make the stage I need you to tell me:
Name: name of the stage
what game the stage is from
I want to be credited as:
Approximate size:
Version: the
version that the stage was made in

Stages that have been done or are already in progress:
* means that the stage is not 100% confirmed. You can make a map and showcase your version of that map if you want to, the same rules as previously posted apply.

Have any questions? Want to have affect on the map and discuss? Leave a comment down below!

If you're interested in this project please support the map by:

And most importantly, comment and give me feedback!
Progress40% complete

12 Update Logs

Update #12 : by DepthStrider 12/03/2016 11:23:43 amDec 3rd, 2016

#1 Major lag decrease.
#2 Major response increase.

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10/11/2018 5:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Yoshi0410's Avatar
Hey if you are still working on this map I can help you with building and stuff.

06/12/2017 4:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheBlackWiz's Avatar
If you are still working on the map I'll be more then happy to help!
11/28/2016 9:54 pm
Level 41 : Master Toast
Dragonze's Avatar
I can help out starting after next month cause I see great promise in this map. I can tell you did a large amount of work and I would love to be a part of the maps development. Sorry that I can't this moment though because my laptop has stopped working, on the bright side on dec. 26 when I get my new laptop I can help as much as you would like. A quick question, will you add custom characters or is it the brawl characters?
11/30/2016 8:32 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
DepthStrider's Avatar
Hey, just wanted to say that I've read your comment.

I'll PM you further about the project if you're interested. As for the question, the graphics and characters are from SSBB and SSB4 mainly. The gameplay and mechanics will be catered more toward SSBM (faster, combo oriented, tech). Might add a few SSB elements here and there. I'm still working it (picked it up after a hiatus of 4~ months) there's a bit more to show as of now, but might not be worth making videos for it.

Right now I want to keep it Nintendo only from the Smash brothers franchise. I won't say that custom characters or "modding" is impossible though.
11/30/2016 4:11 pm
Level 41 : Master Toast
Dragonze's Avatar
How many characters are there, and who are in the works. It'll will allow me to create different characters from what you have when the map is created
12/01/2016 1:28 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
DepthStrider's Avatar
The character screen fits 30 chars.

None are in the works yet. They will be once I finish all the necessary systems before that.

Two issues. 1, Certain rules and guidelines need to be used when making special moves and whatnot. 2, I don't have a server atm.
12/01/2016 8:16 am
Level 41 : Master Toast
Dragonze's Avatar
Try using Aternos servers, there free, have a max of 15 players, but you must be online to use the server
07/20/2016 6:25 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
DepthStrider's Avatar
Still looking for help on the map.
07/17/2016 10:58 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
DepthStrider's Avatar
Things are coming along nicely with the menu. It's a bit complex + I've never done this before, however it looks way better than a lobby IMO. Still a lot work left to do. After that I can get back into working on more "important" stuff.

Cheers :)
06/30/2016 2:47 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
DepthStrider's Avatar
I've been on vacation for about 2 weeks now (I'll be back Sunday) and I haven't had access to a computer since. I have to work when I get home but I should be able to get some work on the map as well. I think the lobby will be removed and a "screen" with a menus and options will be made instead. It'll hopefully look good.
