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1990s Flexi-Schools【90年代靈活式校舍】- Hong Kong School Premises Diorama

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Dennie Mok's Avatar Dennie Mok
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
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1990s Flexi-Schools【90年代靈活式校舍】- Hong Kong School Premises Diorama Minecraft Map
Prologue // 序言


First proposed in the late 1980s and widely implemented in the 1990s, Flexi-school(Chinese:靈活式校舍) is the third generation of standard design for school premises in Hong Kong. Compared with the 1980s standard design for schools, Flexi-school has greater interchangeability to adapt to quick changes in the demographic structure of new towns. It also paved the way for the emergence of millennium schools a decade later.

ʙɢ Flexi-Schools // 靈活式校舍


First proposed in the late 1980s and widely implemented in the 1990s, Flexi-school(Chinese:靈活式校舍) is the third-generation standard design for school premises in Hong Kong. Compared with the 1980s standard design for schools, Flexi-school allows better interchangeability in response to quick changes in the demographic structure of new towns. It also paved the way for the emergence of millennium schools a decade later.

The term is an abbreviation for "Flexible School Premises".

ʙɢ Evolution of School Building Standards // 校舍規格的演變

Evolution of School Building Standards

1950s - 1960s
Education is Not Prevalent
The Emergence of Standard Schools

1950s Rooftop Schools (天台學校), Public Schools (公立學校)
1960s Annex Schools (附建學校), attached to housing estates
1970s: 1st Generation
Commencement of 6-year Compulsory Education
Matchbox Schools for Primary Education (火柴盒校舍 - 小學專用)
No Standards for Secondary Education (Free secondary education is not included.)
1980s: 2nd Generation
Commencement of 9-year Compulsory Education
Interlocking Schools for Secondary Education (連環型校舍 - 中學專用)
Standard-Design Schools for Primary Education (標準小學校舍 - 小學專用)
1990s: 3rd Generation
1990s Flexi-Schools (靈活式校舍)
2000s: 4th Generation
Last Generation of Standard Schools
The Fall of Standard Schools

Millenium Schools (千禧校舍)
2005 - Present
Commencement of 12-year Free Education
The Rise of Schools with Unique Designs

Post-Millenium Schools (後千禧校舍)
ʙɢ Rise and Fall of Flexi-Schools // 靈活式校舍的興與衰

Rise and Fall of Flex-Schools

In the 1980s, as the standard design for primary and secondary schools were separate, it was difficult to interchange their usage in response to rapid changes in the demographic structure, resulting in a serious mismatch of education resources in some new towns.

In order to solve the problems, the Architectural Services Department (ASD) began researching and designing a new standard for school premises in 1983. The new design was officially published in 1988 and was named the Flexi-school standards.

Flexi-school standards inherit the concept of 1980s interlocking school standards, connecting the assembly hall and the main block in the shape of an L. A typical Flexi-school premise is equipped with 30 classrooms. The number of students accommodated in each classroom is also reduced to about 30 from 40. A standalone deployment is preferred in the standard, but there are still some schools having to adopt an interlocking design in the hall section due to site constraints.

The biggest feature of Flexi-schools is their interchangeability. That is, the design of the school buildings are uniform for both primary and secondary schools, and their only difference lies in the special rooms wing. The primary school version only has a covered playground in the special wing. If the demand for secondary schools rises, primary schools can be changed into secondary schools by just adding floors to the special wing, which is a low-cost and quick operation as planned in the design.

The standard also introduces lifts, better facilities and multi-purpose spaces to schools. It also promoted the use of prefabricated components, steel scaffolding, tower cranes and metal formwork technology in the construction process. School buildings built using these technologies can be topped out in only three months, which is about 7 days a floor. This is vital as the school building agenda all over Hong Kong has tight deadlines and goals to meet.

After the announcement of the Millennium School standards, the Flexi-school standards were not eliminated immediately. Instead, the design was further revised to ensure that these school buildings could catch up with the Millennium School standards.

With the continuous improvement of school facilities and the application of educational technology, the government released the Millennium School Design at the end of 1997. The design is more appealing and takes into account the different needs of primary and secondary education. Flex-Schools gradually finished its historical mission and the last batch of construction was completed in 1998.

Existing schools built with the Flexi-school standards have gone through several major enhancement projects throughout the years. Most have additional wings built to further catch up with the Post-Millenium School standards. You may refer to this project for a glimpse of such changes.

ⓘ Remarks for Download & Installation // 下載及安裝注意事項

Expand to Read // 展開閱讀

Remarks for Download & Installation

Texture Pack: Custom Texture Pack*
Shader Pack: SEUS PTGI E6
Client Version: Java Edition 1.12
Modifications: Optifine 1.12

*Based on IT-Project v2.2 128x [​~10% custom extraction: with modified wools, stained clays, stones, and windows].
*To view the custom textured worldsaves properly, you have to install Optifine and the Custom Texture Pack.

• The download package includes the world-saves (1.12), schematics (1.12) and a texture pack (1.12).
• This project is made with Java Edition 1.12. To convert the save to newer versions, use the built-in converter.
• This project is made on a 2:1 scale. The building may appear a lot bigger than usual.
• This project is unfurnished. Interior decorations are not included.
• Feel free to use the building in your own project as long as you follow the license terms.

How to download and install Minecraft Maps?

1990s Flexi-Schools【90年代靈活式校舍】- Hong Kong School Premises Diorama Minecraft Map

ⓘ What are the major improvements you can find from Flexi-Schools or Interlocking Schools when compared to their predecessor (i.e., the Matchbox Schools)?

Suggested Perspectives
- From Double-Loaded Corridor to Single-Loaded Corridor: Better ventilation and natural lighting
- Addition of Special Rooms Block: Provide sufficient hardwares for modern education
- Bigger Classrooms: Bigger spatial arrangemet provides a pleasant learning environment
- More Activity Space: Promote interaction among students, Promotes healthy lifestyle
- Better Facilities: Lifts, High-tech equipments, etc.

1990s Flexi-Schools【90年代靈活式校舍】- Hong Kong School Premises Diorama Minecraft Map

ⓘ What could be the solution if we have to build more schools to meet the demand but we simply don't have enough land?

Suggested Perspectives
- Interlocking allows a better use of space as it allows 2 school buildings to be arranged in a condensed composition.

ⓘ Can you spot out some of the good things or bad things about the interlocking approach? Do you think that it is efficient?

Suggested Perspectives
- Good thing: It uses space more efficiently, especially when there is a high demand for schools but limited space is available.
- Bad thing: Noise problems.

ⓘ What are the bad things about Flexi-Schools? Why do we need to revise school standards?

Suggested Perspectives
Other modes of learning other than the traditional learning approach cannot be easily accommodated in the rigid classroom setting. Educaiton in the 21st Century requires more focus on teaching flexibilities, school facilities and information technology, so there is a need for an all-rounded upgrade of facilities at all levels of education to meet the latest educational goals and needs. Post-Millenium standards allow school sponsoring bodies to get involved in the design process while the Government paid for the construction. This is a win-win solution for both parties.

Renders // 渲染

Screenshots Medley // 截圖串燒
Elevations & Aerials // 立面圖及鳥瞰圖

Reference // 參考資料

Wikipedia - 靈活式校舍:

hkedcity - History of School Design in Hong Kong:

Hong Kong Museum of Education - "From Rooftop Schools to Millenium Schools" Exhibition:

Disclaimer // 免責聲明


• This work is not necessarily an exact recreation of the real object. Adaptations are made for ease of execution.
• This work is a fan-made project and is not affiliated with any Government Agencies.
• The content on this page may not always be accurate. Information is extracted from various sources.
• This work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Terms of Use // 使用條款

Terms of Use

In order to achieve maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials, this work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0). You are free to share [​copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format] or adapt [​remix, transform, and build upon the material] my work as long as you follow the license terms.

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit (e.g., author's name), provide a link to my project page or profile page, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

Non-Commercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

Made For Educational Use
可 用 作 教 學 用 途

Recommend to be used in complement with Topic 07 - History of School Design in Hong Kong from hkedcity.
Creditwikipedia.org, hkedcity.net, museum.eduhk.hk
Progress100% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Dennie Mok 12/30/2022 1:03:09 pmDec 30th, 2022

Updated Description.
Updated Screenshots.
Updated Progress.

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08/18/2020 4:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KailanREilly47's Avatar
Dennie Mok
01/02/2023 11:38 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Dennie Mok's Avatar
06/18/2020 10:30 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Jonzen's Avatar
(個人英文唔係太好所以用粵語留言+多字 請見諒)

Hello! 你起依個中學校舍真係好正,好欣賞你起得真係同現實校舍相差無幾,仲連埋好詳細嘅介紹圖!

不過我想指出其實你依個應該唔叫「80年代標準設計」,因為你起嘅依款主要係喺 90 年代至 00 年代初興建為主,而 80 年代興建嘅雖然都係類似你呢種中學,但外觀有不少差別,可參考我由 Google 衛星圖隨機揀選嘅例子:goo.gl/maps/3sYVRwsxbcbhzSid8(80年代標準連臂式中學,建議用3D視圖睇),所以我建議將此項目改名為「90年代標準中學校舍1990s Standard Secondary Schools」,以免有誤導之嫌😅,希望你可以回覆 :)
Dennie Mok
12/30/2022 1:51 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Dennie Mok's Avatar
01/04/2020 4:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
HelloItsGabbriolo's Avatar
Hello! May I ask how can you download it? I mean when I download the file in the folder there are only some textures how do I have the map? Thanks
Dennie Mok
01/02/2023 11:38 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Dennie Mok's Avatar
Ok sure. Fixed.
10/31/2019 1:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Shojikiii_'s Avatar
Can someone help me on how to download this? Im kinda having a problem
Dennie Mok
11/05/2019 12:24 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Dennie Mok's Avatar
I double checked the download link and find it working properly. Is there something that I can assist you with?
10/01/2019 3:05 am
Level 76 : Legendary Crafter
JohnnyCoolwater's Avatar
Well done =)
Dennie Mok
01/02/2023 11:39 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Dennie Mok's Avatar
