Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Star Trek USS Federation (WIP)

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Level 71 : Legendary Ghast Rider
The new version of the USS Federation has been added to the Minetrek.net game server
Video of New Build

The old version is available for download here -  the new version is not
By popular request I have started work on the USS Federation.

I have finished primary building an have begun the fit and finish aspect of the build. (Labeling the decks and what not.)

The ship has 3 nacelles and features an expanded engineering section with detail improvements, and new design of the interior of the secondary hull. While the saucer is virtually the same as the Constitution, there are differences in some corridor lay outs, bridge design, and turbo shaft routing. You can now go from the main airlock on Deck 6 P/S directly to an access (turbo shaft) that will lead to the main ladder shafts of the primary hull. In other words, you can get to the bridge a lot faster from the air lock.

The ship features an aft Torpedo launcher, explorable pylons, and a lot of exterior changes.

The ship is still a WIP but I'll include a world save for those who want to explore it now.
CreditElement Detector Mod, Single Player Commands, TooManyItems
Progress90% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Atrocities 07/22/2014 4:59:59 pmJul 22nd, 2014

An all new version of this build has been uploaded to the minetrek.net game server. It is nearly completed with full interior.   VIDEO of New Build

There is no download for this ship as of yet, but you can download the older version from PMC.

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11/23/2017 12:24 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
And, are you ever going to do any TOS or alternate universe. All you do TMP and TNG
11/22/2017 2:48 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Does the revamp need the pack?
12/05/2015 9:43 am
Level 71 : Legendary Ghast Rider
The newer version of this build is currently on the Minetrek.net game server. I do plan on renovating the newest version sometime in 2016.
07/27/2014 9:10 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
Is this a Constitution class done in a similar way to a Galaxy - X (tri-nacelled 'all good things' enterprise)
07/27/2014 3:30 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Ghast Rider
the desing is what he Galaxy X was based off actually.  The Dreadnought design of the constitution was well established prior to the final episode of TNG. :D
07/22/2014 8:43 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Magical Girl War Lord
wow update :O
07/22/2014 5:01 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Ghast Rider
10/24/2012 12:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
i like it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 diamond :D
09/16/2012 2:33 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
wow how do you make the ship. How long does it take you, 1 diamond :D
09/16/2012 6:05 am
Level 71 : Legendary Ghast Rider
Thank you for the diamond.
The constitution took about a month to do. I used the Strategic Design deck plans to start with and then made some minor modifications to them to over come "issues" with the plans. The Federation (this version) took about a week to make using the Constitution as the basis. :D
