Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

U.S.S. Fearless Post Nemesis Era - Refit

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Level 71 : Legendary Ghast Rider
(Two part tour video uploading atm - will be live on 8-1-18)

This all new version of the U.S.S. Fearless is a refit version separate and apart from the previous version. This new ship has been completely reworked interior spaces that reflect newer build techniques and styles. A new interior deck layout and design. The ship has so many changes that has become it's own build.

A major rework of the Fearless has been undertaken. I have reworked the entire saucer and drive hull. I wanted to adopt the double wall method that I started to use on the Enterprise D build because it really helps to sell the feel of a ship. This meant that I had to redesign much of the interior spaces of the ship to make room. I am very happy as to how this turned out.

Download Link - www.mediafire.com/file/zgd0s577xed2agc/Fearless_Void.rar/file

The download contains the resource pack.
You will need to unzip the File and place the Fearless Void World into your save games
Place the Minetrek Resource pack into your resource pack folder. (You don't need to unzip the resource pack. Just drop the zip file into the folder and you're golden.)
Schematic File Included

Feel free to use this ship how you wish, however, do not re-post it without written permission from myself. Please share the page if you do use the ship on a server. Feel free to send me links to any server that uses this ship. Have fun.

Additional thanks to MHeller3000, and many others for their inspiration and help over the years.

To Tour this ship and many others consider visiting the Minetrek server. Information can be found in the description on the youtube page for this ship.
CreditMinetrek, Star Trek, Enterprise, Voyager, Space Ship,
Progress100% complete

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08/02/2018 1:04 pm
Level 41 : Master Lava Rider
08/01/2018 10:07 pm
Level 42 : Master Engineer
Good to see you're still at it. Looks real good.
08/03/2018 12:35 am
Level 26 : Expert Explorer
And here I was thinking he was not on PMC!
08/01/2018 8:22 pm
Level 26 : Expert Explorer
Love every detail of it it’s amazing
08/01/2018 8:11 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
Amazing. And highly impressive interior
08/01/2018 8:24 am
Level 39 : Artisan uwu
You should try doing smoother hull lines. I love it

