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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Here is a half attempt at a fortress I had done quite a long while ago. My computer has horrible time using shaders/forge so the pictures are abit fuzzy. I really did not put that much effort into the build as I probably should have. But it is something to upload and I won't be going back to it any time soon. So here it is, as is. I don't personally like doing megabuilds at all, but the server this was built on specialized in megabuilds. So I tried to incorporate my medieval talent into it's design.

P.S. I did not use worldedit on any part of this build, or any other handicap.
Progress30% complete

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08/23/2014 4:33 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Pretty awesome build ;)
08/23/2014 2:19 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
how does this not get more diamond...Jesus! Also we should collab sometime, I love ur stuff
07/19/2014 2:14 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
can i make a minecraft cinematic of this map on youtube?
07/19/2014 7:52 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
This project is on the pwego server, feel free to showcase it if you would like. Just /warp stonegale on the main pwego world.
07/16/2014 7:20 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Dukonnnnnnnnnnn. So that is why you decided to return. Nice work, always adored that co-project you did with Floopster.
07/16/2014 8:18 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
That brings back very bad memories =P
07/16/2014 6:20 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
Requesting diamonds/favs/subscriptions in large capital letters is pretty off putting IMO. If people like your work and want more they'll act accordinly.

That said, it looks pretty nice.

I'd recommend including a world download and/or schematic. You're obviously keen to become popular on PMC and downloads contribute to the exposure a project recieves and your profile level.

Also, PMC drastically reduces the quality of images when you upload them to the site. I find its better to upload a single image and display the rest through an image hosting site such as imgur.
07/16/2014 7:25 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
1. This was built on the Pwego Server, so he cannot provide the world download. As far as schematics go, I presume he wants to finis hit before requesting it from a staff member.

2. You don't have to be critical if he writes in all caps asking for things, as its not against the posting rules, and if he doesn't get diamonds, he doesn't get diamonds. Yet, I am pretty sure that he will get enough for a 30% complete proj.

3. He has been on minecraft 1 year longer than you, just he has not posted as much. I do agree with your argument, yet I don't think it is very nice to critically target someone's project post. 

I am not trying to be rude or mean to you, and if I am I am very sorry for that. I just think a comment that is derogatory is kind of mean. (Yet I do agree with your opinion).
07/16/2014 8:58 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
I didnt realise it was unfinished, my bad for failing to read the description properly and talking shit as a result.

I'm simply voicing my opinion on something, not talking for anyone else or claiming to state impirical facts. I am personally put off by people requesting attention, I said that and nothing more.

How could you possibly know that Dukonred has played minecraft longer than me? Do you know how long I've been playing for? Even if you did (and you dont), I fail to grasp its relevance to my comment.

Its a sad day when crticism, no matter how polite or respectful is branded as derogation, hate and flaming. This is so often the case on PMC as of late. Constuctive criticism is a thing, you know.
07/16/2014 9:44 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
I very well understand what constructive criticism is, but you don't, and I agree it was wrong for me to take it out on you, but this is his first time posting in quite some time.

Also to point out, it was my mistake. I meant to say he has been on planet minecraft 1 year longer than you, as his join date is 5/2012 and your join date is 5/2013. I was making a valid point that he does know how to post on pmc, but he obviously chooses to do something a way or another, and I don't think diamonds, favorites, or subs does not really matter to him, but they are bonus xp next to the view count. I do agree that it may not work in his favor, but it is his choice. 

I do not deny your opinion, doesn't mean I don't think opinions are good, I just felt like it was targeting a bit. I am sorry if pointed you out disrespectfully and targeted you, just in my own opinion, I feel like post criticism is misplaced here.
