Minecraft Maps / Other

Supermurder (multiplayer map)

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Gunivers's Avatar Gunivers
Level 29 : Expert Engineer

In partnership with the Gunivers.net mapmaking and development team
Supermurder (multiplayer map) Minecraft Map

Since the famous "Murder" mod appeared on Garry's Mod, designers and creators have been having a field day adapting this icon to different video games. Today, let's have a look at a Minecraft map that wanted to take up this concept by adapting it to the best-selling game of all time, and adding some new features that will only make you love it!

The authors of this map therefore wanted to take up Murder's concept. Its functioning is the same in general terms; the players are divided into three groups.

The Murderer owns a knife, which he can use in close combat. A little something new: he has at his disposal a teleportation remote, which he can use to escape the detective or to make a surprise attack.

The Detective has a gun, which he must use to kill the Murderer. If he dies or kills an innocent, his weapon falls to the ground, and another player can come and get it.

Innocents, in the original game mode, had no power. To remedy this serious lack of fun, the creators of this map have attributed some of them. The Ghost, as his name suggests, can be invisible for a few seconds. The Drugged can inject himself with certain substances that make him faster, but also sick. The Taserhas a... taser, with which he can paralyze their victims. The Angel, when she dies, makes the anger of the gods fall upon her attacker! The latter is struck by lightning, and becomes visible for a few seconds. Finally, the Suicidal has an explosive belt, which is triggered when he dies. It will kill all players within a radius of four blocks. Thus the murderer can recognize this player with visible particles above his head.

Many game mechanics were also introduced during the creation of this map. You will find custom advancements, as well as gold bars that will appear randomly on the map. You will be able to access a shop in your inventory, and buy with these ingots items that will vary throughout the game! Some random events can occur during the game, and change its the turn! An anti-Camping system has also been put in place, so that the murderer receive negative effects if he stays close to the detective's weapon for too long. You can no longer experience fall damages, some secret passages are hidden on the map, and many configuration options are available in your inventory once you are in the lobby.



To download this map, have a look at our website, and more precisely on the SuperMurder presentation page!

Project managers and developersEvan, _RedCoal_
Builders:Greninja_San, ikbrunel, DJ_Milo, Infernaton, A~Z, Mostarax, Lumesio, l’Ornithorynque, LucRatiff, NekFlammed, Loyurs
Ressource Pack by:TheTagMen, Faesha, Evan, RossTail, l’Ornithorynque, Thepyrocrafteur, Celestial Filly
Trailer made by:Z_runner
Graphic designFallkonae


This map was designed for vanilla Minecraft. Tests performed under the game's derivatives (Spigot, Craftbukkit) revealed problems. It is therefore highly recommended to run this map on a vanilla server.
Progress100% complete

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