Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

talking about medieval street/road (detail series)

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NC-Builds's Avatar NC-Builds
Level 46 : Master Network
In this part of my series I will show you how to add some more detail to roads. here are a few tips:
at the images you can see some of our street projects.
1. use all kind of blocks, the more you use the better it will get
2. don't make straight roads, if you make some curves people have to look out where the walk, and so the look more to your road
3. add some depth, don't always dig a tunnel when you come accros a mountain, stair up or use more curves
4. use the terain, if you have like a weat field use more dirt podzol etc. when you go across a mountain use stone and such. if you have a city use stone roads, and with a village: combine dirt and street roads.
5. add some street lamps and sign post, this will let it look more used.
6. when you build a stair, don't make it strait and only from stairs, play a little bit with your blocks, add some slabs and some blocks and let it curve.
7. don't piller up if you don't have a idee how to come across a difficult part, build like a nice bridge add some wood and such
8. but the most important!: don't let it go strait! this will get boring!

We hope you found this usefull please leave a comment if you have some more tips or a suggestion for the next part :)
if you have used some of our tips, please leave a comment with a screen shot :)

next in this serie: (coming soon)
previous: Medieval Harbor
Progress100% complete

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08/14/2014 4:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Yorick22's Avatar
Could you also build a road in the desert?
what would that look like?
