Minecraft Maps / Other

Tardim v1.0

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CrafterDragon's Avatar CrafterDragon
Level 42 : Master Dragon
Hey guys! So yeah I'm working on a Tardim in minecraft. I hope you enjoy it, give me a diamond, possibly favorite it,
submit a comment and tell your friends about it now that it has FINALLY come!

update #9
Okay this is going to be a big one! I was going to abandon Tardim v1.0 because the world became so corupted at yeah I had to step down. But... I've started a new world with Loads more to explore, Loads more destinations and Lots more frustration. Yep! Tardim v1.0 (update 9) will change it to something really advanced. Its going to take some time to learn the controls of by heart! Also theres going to be new destinations. All the destinations from update 7/8 will be deleted as its a new world and I really can't be bothered to use MC EDIT to bring all the destinations into the new world because its a long process and a boring process. Plus I don't think my laptop can handle that kind of power without being forced to shut down.

Anyway so update 9 is also going to bring new rooms and old rooms. One new room is going to be based on the hunger games. Its going to have a hunger games stadium inwith items inside the chests however its not going to be availible for update 9 and maybe 10 as I need minecraft version 1.8 to make the hunger games as advanced as the plugin but in minecraft vanilla, not Bukkit. 

Update 9 will hoepfully mean the world will have 1.8 features. The Tardim is currently availible for 1.7.2 and above but Update 9 will update it to 1.8 because of its new commands and features.

Update 9 will hopefully come out next year.

Go to http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/timelord-default/ for the texture pack. (The texture pack still works even though its for 1.6.2) It's not my texture pack. It belongs to UnlimitedMind42

Go to http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/piloting-tardim-v10/ to learn how to fly/pilot it

Functions of my Tardim:
Travel in time
Travel through space (Minecraft I mean)
Gives you 400xp


Plains: This is just a simple plains area. This is where your adventure will begin because this is where the TARDIM will be parked for you to go in!
Abandoed Mineshaft: This destination is quite a large one. With many cave spiders and mobs crawling everywhere it is easy to die as soon as you land or get incredibly lost (And then die!)
Village: Simple Village destination. Since it is made out of sandstone it is in a sand biome. This destination won't be here for long because every once and a while I will change it so don't get so comfortable with it.
Mesa: A very, very, very large Mesa biome destination. It's just a destination to represent the new 1.7.2 update
Swamp Village: Probably one of the best destinations. This is a destination that you can save from zombies which makes it just like a doctor who adventure. With a terrifying past (Which you won't know until a while) and all the loot from the tombs this makes this destination incredibly amazing. Trade, buy or visit this destination
Plain village: Basically a village but in a forest
Mushroom Biome: Oh boy I have been waiting for this for ages... THE TARDIM TAKES YOU TO A RARE BIOME PEOPLE!

I'm currently working on:
The new world

Additional Notes

Just wait for Update #9. Itts going to be epic!

Progress40% complete

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by CrafterDragon 09/15/2014 2:07:31 pmSep 15th, 2014

-Removed the Tardim v2.0 information
-Removed the Tardim v2.0 trailer
*Edited the text alot! Make sure you read the bit about Update #9

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06/07/2016 7:42 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
Troglodev's Avatar
I really like the nether one!
06/07/2016 7:40 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
Troglodev's Avatar
Awesome TARDIS I didn't download it but the interiors look awesome maybe you can look t some of mine and give me your opinion! :)
09/28/2014 5:39 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ranger
cactusman20's Avatar
Dude, this Tardis is awesome, can't wait for v.2
09/30/2014 4:11 am
Level 42 : Master Dragon
CrafterDragon's Avatar
Thanks dude. I'll make sure v.2 is awesome :)
09/20/2014 6:07 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
the_blocktor's Avatar
Did the creator of the original tardim allow you ot use his resource pack and name idea?

sorry I am a little sensitive to copyright after somebody neary pulled down my channl for copying his name.
09/21/2014 3:50 am
Level 42 : Master Dragon
CrafterDragon's Avatar
Sorry to hear about your channel. Yes, UnlimitedMind42 gave me permission to use his resource pack and let me use the name. He only said that I need to put a link to the resource pack in the Project description.
09/21/2014 10:52 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
the_blocktor's Avatar
yeah in te end, i think the rebranding worrked out better for all of us. Glad to hear you asked permission. Can you possibly add a gallifreyan destination? thats just an idea
09/22/2014 12:47 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragon
CrafterDragon's Avatar
I'll give the gallifreyan destination a try. But it won't come soon as I am redoing the whole map.
09/22/2014 5:43 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
the_blocktor's Avatar
Well maybe s 1.8 uses the /clone feature, add multiple control rooms which you can switch out. Also, add the daleks(skeletons with invisible legs and the bow looks like a gun LOL!) and If you need a resource pack, I can make one for you. If you need it I can get realistic images from the show then scale them down and rotate.
09/23/2014 11:15 am
Level 42 : Master Dragon
CrafterDragon's Avatar
Yes I've been thinking about 1.8. The 1.8 update will be after the one I'm currently working on now which is availble for 1.7 and 1.8. Na I'm okay with the resource pack. I'll just work on the Taridm v2.0 pack so it fits in with this because timelord delult won't work in the next update.
03/31/2014 7:57 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Xefer's Avatar
The fish fingers texture doesnt work in 1.7, I tried changing the name of the texture in the assets file to fished_cooked (id for cooked fish in 1.7) but it did nothing D: HELP MEEEE
