This Map is an entry in the completed Nether Minecraft Build Contest.

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Aghos's Avatar Aghos
Level 45 : Master Architect


Je mi velkou ctí představit vám můj projekt určený pro nether build contest. Už nějakou dobu jsem chtěl vyzkoušet nově přidané bloky a tato soutěž je proto skvělou možností. Začal jsem stavět hned jak byla soutěž oznámená a několikrát jsem musel upravovat a měnit původní návrh.

Budova se skládá z náměstí, v čele stojí hlavní věž s postranními částmi. Vrcholek věže, vystupující nad střechu netheru, je připojen přes most do vnějšího prstence, ten protíná strop a vytváří tak masivní otvor.

Stavba se nachází v Soul Sand Valley, ale terén byl upraven, aby vice seděl ke stavbě. Kolem stavby je menší warped les a čedičové pilíře spojují strop s podlahou.

Úlomky příběhu jsou napsané v knihách po mapě. Některé interaktivní části mapy také obsahují knihu s instrukcemi. Po aktivování je celý komplex průchodný (může nastat lag).

Doufám, že si průzkum mé stavby užijete. Zároveň doporučuji mít zapnuté particles a zvuky. U zvuku vypnout bloky a hudbu.


It is a great honor for me to present you my project for the nether build contest. I have wanted to try the newly added blocks for some time now and this competition is therefore a great option. I started building as soon as the competition was announced, and I had to modify and change the original design several times.

The building consists of a square, headed by the main tower with side sections. The top of the tower protruding above the roof of the neether is connected via a bridge to the outer ring, which intersects the ceiling and thus creates a massive opening.

The building is located in Soul Sand Valley, but the terrain has been modified to better fit the building. There is a small warped forest around the building and basalt pillars connect the ceiling with the floor.

Fragments of the story are written in books around the map. Some interactive parts of the map also include an instruction book. After activation, the whole complex is passable (lag may occur).

I hope you enjoy exploring my building. At the same time, I recommend having particles and sounds turned on. Turn off blocks and music for audio.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Oops : by Aghos 07/17/2020 4:36:03 pmJul 17th, 2020

I'd like to apologize. I found out there was a mistake in one of the instruction books. If you want to enter the building, you have to break the lecturne that stands in front of the main gate. Then a board will appear with which you can open and close the building as you wish.
I rewrote the book and updated the save, but if you have the original version, all you have to do is destroy the lecturne.

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08/04/2021 11:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Nathan_da_win's Avatar
I downloaded the map and cant find the build
08/02/2020 7:17 pm
Level 48 : Master Strawberry
Elicorne's Avatar
07/25/2020 5:22 am
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07/25/2020 7:52 pm
Level 45 : Master Architect
Aghos's Avatar
I'm afraid that would be too much extra work and I'm glad this project is done.
07/24/2020 10:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
legionmastergrimclaw's Avatar
im going to try and in creative mode rebuild this on a public server , and see how long it takes for me to die inside and give up haha
07/23/2020 2:07 am
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07/23/2020 6:51 am
Level 45 : Master Architect
Aghos's Avatar
The hardest part would be probably breaking the bedrock. And there is o lot of that needs to be destroyed. That could take a while.
07/20/2020 2:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
InvertedDream's Avatar
How long did it take to build this?
07/23/2020 6:59 am
Level 45 : Master Architect
Aghos's Avatar
My statistics say 84 hour but that involves chaotically flying around or being afk.
07/19/2020 9:05 am
Level 48 : Master Strawberry
Elicorne's Avatar

Ez finalist
