Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

[1.17.1] The Golden Reach

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Battleborn's Avatar Battleborn
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect

The Golden Reach

The Golden Reach is a wealthy fantasy continent with several different cultures. Its population consists of dwarves, wizards, humans and savages. There is a lot of cooperation between the many cities and towns in the Reach, due to the infrastructure and harbors. The continent is divided into two different parts.

Since the war between the savages and the other peoples of the Reach, which has lasted for ages, there have always been threats from the snow. The capital of the other peoples is called Tiverton and is located in the north of the continent. There is a system where the lords of the other cities, such as Portae, Toarin Valley, Eanmar and Ananor, have an alliance with the king of the capital, since they have always had to work together during savage attacks. The savages were once part of the regular inhabitants of the Golden Reach, but when their lust for power grew, the other peoples drove them back to the Frozen plains in the east, leaving most of their old towns, castles and cities in ruins.

The wealth of the Golden Reach comes from trade. With their cargo ships they manage to buy and sell their goods, with each of the cities having a special product that they can sell. The dwarven kingdom of Ananor is the richest of them all and forms the greatest threat to the Reach. Their kingdom in the mountains is heavily protected and has a large army.

The city of Portae has its power in ships and protects the Reach from the continuously attacking savages. It is ruled by a governor in a large mansion, who is a nephew of the king of Tiverton.

They have a lot of contact with Eanmar, a nordic city in the north of the bay. It is located between many mountains and forests. The library of Eanmar is the largest place of knowledge of the Reach. Its history and alliances are kept safe within the walls of the library.

The Toarin Valley is ruled by the mysterious Kajtin family, who are descendants from the first monks to stand against the savages. Ever since the war, they have been mysterious. They are good and kind rulers for their people living outside the walls of the city, and they like to preserve the nature.

New Barrendale is a wealthy city that gets its wealth from exploring new lands. Its has a large harbor where many foreign ships enter to do their trade. It has to keep itself safe from the threats from the old savageruins in the forest next to it, that is still house to many ancient threats.

Mergia is located in the largest forest of the Reach and has a lot of contact with the Tiverton, due to their large harbors. They are the first line of defense against the savages from the Frozen lands. The city is the poorest of all the cities, with the exception of the high lord living there.

Tiverton is the capital of the Golden Reach. It has risen to power after the savages had been defeated and driven back to the Frozen lands, since their army was the one to defeat their king. They have kept the peace ever since. The city is ruled by a king, who rules with the help of advisors from every kingdom and city. They are rich and have a good relationship with the ancient monks, who have their own cathedral in the city.

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[1.17.1] The Golden Reach Minecraft Map

CreditInraa, HenkJanIV
Progress80% complete

34 Update Logs

Update #34 : by Battleborn 10/08/2021 9:11:15 amOct 8th, 2021

- Added new screenshots.
- New long awaited download!

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01/06/2023 8:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JACHU_POL's Avatar
Thanks for sharing the map, most great builds like this one are either non-downloadable or put behind a paywall, which really sucks. I will build some of these building for sure in my private smp server.
01/06/2023 9:47 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
Battleborn's Avatar
It started out as a SMP, its nice to hear that you enjoy the map! Currently we are trying to get a new update out ASAP.
01/07/2023 6:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JACHU_POL's Avatar
the map is insanely good, there is so much detail everywhere. I wish I had the time and creativity to build like this. Great work!
07/22/2022 9:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AnbuciitoYT's Avatar
Hello bro, first tell you that I really liked the map and second I would like to talk to you privately, I am creating a MMORPG server and we would like to use this map as secondary not as main, so I'm interested in buying rights, or license I do not know, so that I can use it on a public server, thanks I remain attentive
06/28/2022 1:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4182220F's Avatar
Hi is it okay if I use this for a server me and my friends play.
06/28/2022 4:25 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
Battleborn's Avatar
Its only allowed on private server. If it goes public then no.
06/03/2022 3:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jurn3y's Avatar
Looking to use this for a private non profit RPG server. Get back to me with details at your earliest convenience, Thanks!
06/06/2022 9:20 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
Battleborn's Avatar
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04/19/2022 8:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Zedzter's Avatar
M8 very good work 👏👏👏👏 Is it okay if I use it on a server (1.16.5 so I will replace the dirt-path with grass-path) but also put costum npcs on it ? (Ofc I will name you on the credits and put the link) I just wana make sure is okay
04/24/2022 9:47 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
Battleborn's Avatar
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