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InMineCreations's Avatar InMineCreations
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
There is not much time left before the New Year's Eve, so in order to brighten your anticipation and cheer you up we prepared a little present.

This year was hard for all of us, but even strong blows of fate didn't force us to turn back from our targets and views.

It's time to expunge all dark episodes of the past, forget about sorrow and sadness and think about something beautiful. To help you with that, we created a small map, which in spite of all the snow and snowdrifts holds warmness of our soul.

This project is not as huge as our previous one, but it will surely help you hold different interesting events on our servers. We created it in one week time, usually worked in the evenings and simply tried to build atmosphere of holiday and good mood. You will decide succeeded we in doing that or not. :)

We wish you success and prosperity in the upcoming year, let your creations become more and more interesting and detailed and let all your problems bypass you and all your loved ones.

Happy new year!

Thanks Darastlix for translate.

Всем добра, успехов, позитива, радости, ярких эмоций и исполнениях всех желаний и намеченных целей!
C наступающим новым годом!
Progress100% complete

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12/19/2015 1:26 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
King_Alex_1's Avatar
Awesome map! May I use it for my server?
04/20/2015 5:54 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Ingloryon's Avatar
Am I only the 5th person to subscribe ?!?
Your work is incredible continue like that ! :D
12/26/2014 7:49 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Plienas26's Avatar
I would like to feature you for next week's best minecraft project show. May I use a portion of your video for your part of the feature? I will credit you in the video and link to this project and the video itself.

12/26/2014 8:24 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
InMineCreations's Avatar
12/25/2014 8:47 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Man-dude2003's Avatar
Best map for calming down ;)
Thanks man
12/25/2014 2:01 pm
Level 84 : Elite Technomancer
ElysiumFire's Avatar
very well
12/25/2014 1:18 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Meme
DeathcoreNick's Avatar
well done mate
