This Map is an entry in the completed Rollercoaster Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Minecart

The Storm - HUGE Minecraft Rollercoaster for PMC Contest 28th Place!! [300 Sub Special]

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hobo joe
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician

This Ride Features:

-two different sides of one coaster
-a loop (which looks like it could work)
-a large circle turn-around (last picture)
-command block extras such as weather or adding a blinding effect
-your choice to ride in the day time, or night (light looks much more amazing)
-many unique turns and curves


So far, this is my third big minecraft roller coaster and I'm very happy to have entered it into this contest!! I really hope you enjoy this because it truly did take a while to build it since I was implementing so many new ideas and designs. I'm open to suggestions about possible fixes, so please let me know if you have any :)

Just to make sure, this rollercoaster has two different sets of tracks: one blue and white for the start, then one red for the storm. This is ONE rollercoaster ride

Ride Details

Length of ride- 3:02
Height- 71 meters
Theme: the approaching storm

A BIG thanks to VeseliD for making the video!

Additional Notes

I'd like to take this time to thank y'all for getting me to 300 subs :'D

(pat yourself on the back)

I really do appreciate your support and camaraderie. If I didn't have y'all with me, it would be really hard to muscle through a tough project :)

Please don't use my ideas without permission, I worked very hard to come up with these unique ideas (;

Keep Crafting,
CreditThank you so much to veselid ( for making me a ride video!!
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by hobo joe 10/17/2013 8:43:48 pmOct 17th, 2013


-problems with command blocks resolved
-made ride more smooth to times when it was rough
-added in supports in places where there weren't supports before


-Light to the whole ride
-option to make it night or day while you ride
-new pictures

Thanks for your support y'all :)

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11/18/2014 4:43 pm
Level 26 : Expert Unicorn
Wow! This is so epic! Watch the video in full screan! It's almost like you're really on a roller coaster.
hobo joe
11/18/2014 7:14 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
Haha, thank you!
08/03/2014 3:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
awesome keep up the good work
12/09/2013 4:31 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
Congrats on 28th :D
hobo joe
12/09/2013 4:34 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
Thanks bro! Much appreciated :)
12/04/2013 1:13 am
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
This deserves better. Seriously, you deserve better! You deserve at least one pixel art trophy that isn't participation/finalist! You always make it to the finalists but you never get 1st, 2nd or 3rd, even though it's waaaay better (in my opinion) than the others!
hobo joe
12/09/2013 4:36 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
Thank you for saying that, you just made my day man :)

In my opinion, this contest was pretty dumb; not organized well, judges took days (some weeks) to get on, and it was pretty silly to begin with. Thank you so much!

(sorry I took so long getting back to you)
12/03/2013 9:40 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
I think how they judged was complete bull. All the winning coasters, won because of the decoration they put into it. The coasters themselves weren't actually that good. You should have come in a higher place
hobo joe
12/03/2013 11:30 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
I appreciate that man :), but this contest was kind of a blow. Anyway, I know this coaster isn't my best because I built it two months ago, and I had time to make an even better ride before the judges were done judging the contest (which strangely took one month). I'm glad that you see it that way tho, thanks man :)
12/03/2013 11:58 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
any time bro ;D
