Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

The Tavern Of Poets #WeAreConquest [Schematic]

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Level 33 : Artisan Button Pusher
A new build! It's been a long time eh? I've been really thinking of quitting Conquest_ due messed game versions every time i switch. Like dear god i used default for few weeks! Never again!
Why i'm back? Got inspiration for a long time but too lazy to switch 1.7 so... Then suddently i heard 'bout this brand spankin' new Conquest_ Mod. 'nuff said i was hyped. Thx to this mod this project gonna be my most up-to-date build i post 'ere wich's 1.9.4

This' The Tavern of Poets

Once upon a time there was a nameless man who loves to drink, yet he couldn't unless there're few companions to sing. But he had an empty house full of books'N'booze.
Called as many poet, bard and skald; now he serves and drinks while they chant with drinks. Whole town now is happy 'cus all the nasty vagabonds are far far away as they see..

-Fully furnished (Oh shiee whaddup!?)
-Firewood pit at outside
-2 sitting areas for poets
-Fireplaces for each floor
-A small kitchen for the bartender
-Bedroom upstairs
-Attic full of serving goods and payments

That's all i got for now, you have to install Conquest_ Mod to use this building. There's an awsome tutorial by Dukonred1 for how to install the mod. I definely recommend this chap's channel exlcusively for Conquest_ related stuff, truly an inspiration wich got me start using metadatas after using the pack for years lol

Progress100% complete

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08/21/2016 2:21 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Architect
Looking good! ;)
08/21/2016 7:20 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Really cool use of the conquest mod. 10/10 would diamond again.
08/20/2016 7:03 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Nice skeleton :D
08/21/2016 6:25 am
Level 33 : Artisan Button Pusher
Thx :D
