Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Temple of the Ancients

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Level 16 : Journeyman Artist
The temple was build in the earliest days of the Kallonans, known today as the Ancients. . The oldest race in the galaxy and the apex of evolution. The Temple serves as a shrine to enlightenment and everlasting wisdom and to the history of the Kellac People.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Tombuis 08/11/2016 4:56:23 pmAug 11th, 2016

Added a whole new foundation layer. Waterfalls, huge forests, modified the gardens, modified the pathways, redesigned the interior and adding a wall of stories. Changed some of the colour schemes, added small architectural features. Gave it more of a sci-fi kellac style, plain exterior, decorative interior to represent the beauty of the soul and nature.

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08/11/2016 5:14 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Ranger
Oohh? It's not very often that I get to see classic 'Parthenon' builds on minecraft that manage to look good and unique, but this one has to take the cake. Good job!
08/12/2016 2:02 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Artist
Thank you Surraah. At the time i was really getting into Hellenic architecture so I decided to merge my style with it. I did think about making formal gardens but i wanted it to be natural and wild instead. Also thought about making better trees but thought it would take up too much time to do.
06/06/2015 8:56 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Very nice!

I definetly hope for some gardens for the empty green spots.
06/06/2015 1:29 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Artist
Im hopefully getting round to it!
04/25/2015 5:47 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Amazing build!  I'm impressed!  :D
05/03/2015 9:50 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Artist
Thank You! I will eventually get round to the gardens
