Minecraft Maps / Other

Uber Science Minecraft Research lab [WIP]

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Hex_Cookie's Avatar Hex_Cookie
Level 54 : Grandmaster Technomancer
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Uber Science - one of the most secret and mysterious laboratories in the world. This complex is absolutely autonomous and independent from the outer world. In Uber Science you may find many hidden rooms, the existence of which even not every employee knows about. Also in our VK group you may find chapters from the diary of one of the complex' scientists...

We are researching the nature and technologies of Minecraft in our laboratories, and making test chambers to research player's possibilities and our technologies. Currently the complex is still under construction and it already has Nether research section, seven test chambers, "lava energy generator", living rooms for staff, monorail transportation system, my office (Uber Science director's office) and LOTS more. Including some easters. 

You can subscribe my channel on Youtube. There will soon be a new channel, so stay tuned!

Btw, here's the Texturepack  required for the map to look as it's supposed to look.

Leave your comments, fav, sub. Please, guys! :D

P.S.- We need some diamonds for an experiment. Your contribution will be highly appreciated. Thanks!

P.P.S.(ru) - Русскоязычным подписчикам предлагаем посетить нашу группу в VK! Там вы сможете следить за свежайшими новостями, участвовать в развитии проекта и, возможно, присоединиться к команде! Также сейчас публикуется серия рассказов "Дневники Грега Тейлора", рассказывающая об ученом, попавшем на работу в эту загадочную лабораторию, и о том, что же его там ожидало... Вступайте!

P.S.-Code to the 2nd level - 5419
Credithex_cookie, jar_cookie (Creators of the project)
Progress45% complete

16 Update Logs

Tape #32 : by Hex_Cookie 06/17/2015 7:59:39 amJun 17th, 2015


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04/02/2019 5:06 pm
He/Him • Level 30 : Artisan Architect
Asew1710's Avatar
Gotta say, one of my favourite, if not the favourite map of all times, absolutely amazing.
Also that 2012s nostalgia. <3
06/24/2018 10:50 am
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
DavidCZ2051's Avatar
When the next update comes out on the map ?
04/01/2017 8:55 am
Level 29 : Expert Architect
KweekelTime's Avatar
Hey cool dudes is the map for 1.7.10???
Nexus XIV
01/27/2017 7:41 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Crafter
Nexus XIV's Avatar
This is an amazing underground laboratory!
08/28/2016 12:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
wolffang41359's Avatar
are you going to finish ever it
TW Game
07/17/2016 11:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TW Game's Avatar
Can I use this on my small Youtube channel as my map for mod showcases
07/15/2016 11:14 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
The_Watcher_'s Avatar
If anyone downloading this you may have to get the RAR Opener from the microsoft store to open it
05/01/2016 12:35 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
TechyScientist's Avatar
The door to the level 2 lab will not stay closed after I push the button
04/05/2016 3:00 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
santabooboo9's Avatar
can you change it to a .zip file because .RAR doesn't work for my computer
Kicking []mc
03/19/2016 2:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Kicking []mc's Avatar
