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Momentaneously's Avatar Momentaneously
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Geek
This is the Federation starship USS Titan from the book series of the same name. The Titan is a Luna class starship commanded by Captain William T. Riker and has an extremely diverse crew. The exterior of the model is a 3D conversion, although it has been heavily modified from when I started. This ship is still a work in progress.


*Warp Core - I'm using a new type of warp core in this ship that uses the falling sand entity. There is an on/off button and a speed control.
*Bridge - The bridge features framed map decorations for the computer consoles and viewscreen. There are also some blinking lights.
*Turbolift system - The turbolifts are functional and can be used to navigate the ship easier.
*Shuttlebay - The big shuttlebay in the saucer section is not found in any description of this ship. I added it because I thought the rear shuttlebay was a bit small.

The captain's yacht is a modified version of blibbob's Sovereign Class Captain's Yacht. It is located one deck below the battle bridge.
Progress75% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Momentaneously 10/05/2014 12:50:04 amOct 5th, 2014

Not as big of an update as I would like, but here is the new stuff:

- Modified warp core animation, now with invisible armor stands
- Added warp coil and impulse engine stuff
- Holodeck - I had made a functional holodeck, but it broke :(
- Probably some other stuff that I am forgetting

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07/09/2016 12:38 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Andrew_Gracie's Avatar
What is the texture pack you use
03/01/2016 7:58 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
andrew6244's Avatar
We all shall boldly go where no one has gone before with the aid of this brilliant engineer of imagination. God speed Momentaneously, may you live long and prosper
09/01/2015 10:01 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Archer
Schematic Please?
05/03/2015 6:16 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokémon
Block_of_quartz's Avatar
He Momentaneously, this is a really nice ship. It has been 7 months since the last update, so when do you think you are going the release a new update? Btw, the only way to stop the warp core is by breaking the mechanism underneath. I might be wrong. If so i am sorry. (sorry for bad english, i am dutch).
05/03/2015 5:37 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Geek
Momentaneously's Avatar
I updated the download link with the most recent version of the ship. I updated the filled_map decorations, made some improvements on the turbolift system and the holodeck and added some corridors. You should be able to turn off the warp core by pressing the button a second time. So if it is in warp 9 mode then press the warp 9 button to turn it off.
05/04/2015 11:13 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokémon
Block_of_quartz's Avatar
Thanks for repleying. It is handy to know how to deactivate the warp core, because it lags real bad for me when its on.
12/07/2014 9:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Vinnedge10's Avatar
When I enter the map, the item frames fall off the walls, and the signs say null. Am I missing something?
07/01/2014 6:59 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Engineer
slamslasch's Avatar
What program did you use to make LCARS?
07/01/2014 3:51 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Geek
Momentaneously's Avatar
How I made the LCARS displays:
- Find or create the image you want and scale it down to 128 x 128 pixels.
- I recolored mine so there wouldn't be any dithering when they are converted to the Minecraft map color scale. I used Gimp to convet them to indexed color mode using a color table with only the map colors.
- Convert the finished image file to NBT format for use in the map .dat file. I had to create my own little program to do this, but it is much easier now with the new version of Map Item Editor.
- Back in minecraft you can summon a copy of the new map with the command "/give @p minecraft:filled_map 1 XXX" where XXX is the map number.

The Map Item Editor is really the only tool you need. I always set the coordinates of the map to somewhere far away so it won't be overwritten.
07/02/2014 7:06 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Engineer
slamslasch's Avatar
I just saw that in the .dat file of the world. Thats a great idea, I never thought about this use for a map. I used the map editor once for the bulletin of a ship but I never had the Idea to use them as LCARS displays. Do you mind if I use some of the maps for a project that I currently work on? I will of course link to this project!
