Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

[WIP] Oblivion - Imperial City

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Void Concept's Avatar Void Concept
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
I decided that for my Youtube video series, building this map, I should include a world download for every video I put out. I've had numerous complements on the map, and decided to show mygratitudefor that by doing this.

You may spawn in the wrong area when loading this map. To change this, either /tp @p 0 60 0, or (if spawning at world spawn), hit the button on the command block to send you there.

To enjoy the full map, you will need my texture pack. The texture pack is included in the map download for update 10 or later, or you can download it here.The texture pack does a few things: makes stone brighter, changes some paintings for the Oblivion banners, makes armor and weapons look like Oblivion armor and weapons, etc. It isn't intended for use outside of the map, but is what I use myself.

How to Install:
Downlaod the map and put it into any folder
Unzip it. The folder "Oblivion" or "Oblivion 1.7" will appear
Navegate to your .minecraft folder (%appdata%/.minecraft) and find the saves folder
Put the "Oblivion" folder inside
Launch Minecraft. The resource pack should load, or ask to load.

Current versions:
Update 13 - Video 1.8 shapshots or later recommended
Update 12 - Video 13w37b or later required
Update 11 - Video 13w37b or later required
Update 10 - Video

Old versions:

Updates 1-4
What happened to Update 1-4? I didn't start posting on this thread until episode 5 of my video series. I don't think I have back-ups from those times, and if I did, they are out-dated =P

Update 5- Video
Update 6- Video
Update 7- Video
Update 8- Video
Update 9- Video
Progress5% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #12 : by Void Concept 10/11/2013 4:49:02 pmOct 11th, 2013

Map Changes:
- Added paths and 3 of 4 buildings in the Elven Garden district
- Added in some concept redstone for an alchemy system I may or may not use (/kill to see)

Texture Pack Changes:

- Changed thereticle to be more like Oblivion's
- Changed Diamond/Daedric Warhammer's spike at the top to point the other way

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01/21/2018 3:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EgorMaklak's Avatar
Where I can downoload map?
10/01/2013 9:23 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Blob
ThirstBuster's Avatar
Still watching the progress man! Keep it up (:
Void Concept
10/05/2013 12:05 pm
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
Void Concept's Avatar
I worked on it a lot yesterday...have 1 of 4 buildings in the next area's exterior complete and started on the second. I plan on getting at least one more building done if not two today.
09/10/2013 7:27 pm
Level 21 : Expert Taco
Valmo's Avatar
are the roofs made from wool, or stained clay, it would be much better if they were made with stained clay!
Void Concept
09/15/2013 11:16 pm
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
Void Concept's Avatar
The roofs were made before there was stained clay. I may go back and replace them...don't know if there is much of a difference though.
09/01/2013 2:31 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
NinamanOfficial's Avatar
This looks great so far dude! Cant wait to see it done. Check out my work if ud like too dude :3 great job again and diamond for u!
08/11/2013 6:34 pm
Level 21 : Expert Taco
Valmo's Avatar
how will you do the statues in the Arboretum? and is it set before or after the 'oblivion crisis'? what i mean by that is; is the stone statue of akatosh's avatar in the temple district?
will you add the sewer systems?Ã
will you make the orrery in the arcane university?

also, add some screenshots!
Void Concept
08/12/2013 1:11 am
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
Void Concept's Avatar
I'm getting to the the statues, but I don't have a design atm...probably going to be something ambiguous w/ signs at the bottom once I figure out who is depicted on each statue. I'm not sure when the storyline will be set, but I'm thinking concurrently to the Oblivion Crysis, starting as in the main cell as the character in Oblivion and having the guy at the beginning slip the hidden passage. The temple district is done w/o Akatosh's avatar, and it would be a hard thing to do anyways. And not sure about the Arcane University...haven't gotten that far. I'll add screenshots later.
08/05/2013 10:35 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Blob
ThirstBuster's Avatar
I love the bottom of the place. It's like you said, a big maze of buildings!
07/31/2013 9:11 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Blob
ThirstBuster's Avatar
This is amazing. Oblivion is my favorite game. I hope to see this done! :D
