Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Standing Islands | Role Playing Map

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Lemoncrap's Avatar Lemoncrap
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
The map as it says in the thread name, is work in Progress. We are in dire of great great builders who can co-operate with others! We wish to fill up a map the size of 8000x8000! (I didn't choose the map) If you are not great at building but able to assist or do anything else like help improve our lore and the such, then do sign up! We already have several players working on the map and several interesting places, so what are you waiting for?



Our Staff and Workers!---

[Owner] Lemoncrap
[Co-Owner] Jadeemily
[Builder/ LoreWriter] LtFalcon - Night
[Builder] KingKittan
[Builder] eViLe_eAgLe
[Assistant/Builder] Maple

Our lore is rich and in development, not much can be said but the point that you were dropped off from a slave ship and stripped of your titles and wealth. You might appear at a nice dock or one of the scary abandoned docks... At random you will not know, your fate will be decided within the hands of the Gods.

-=Open Positions=-
Lore Writer
Builders Assistant

Positional Application:
+Name(Not Required):
+Age(Not Required):
+About your self:
+Some work you have done in the past such as a screenshot (Builder/Assistant Position):


Additional Notes

Applications in the comment section below or via personal message.
Progress10% complete

31 Update Logs

Update #31 : by Lemoncrap 08/01/2013 9:16:30 amAug 1st, 2013

Need more builders, plan to start work on this map again!

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04/07/2014 4:46 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
Danilem's Avatar
IGN: Danilem
Age: 14
About me: I'm (or i was) builder on lots of other servers. Andi was Admin on a server before the server got closed. I need time to build something (depends from building). I love to build with World Edit. You can tell me what i have to build but please dont say how big it should be :3 I'm very creative.
Position: Builder
Where do i put screenshots in?
07/06/2013 8:34 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
NylonSheep's Avatar
Name: MJ
IGN: NylonSheep
Age: 14
About Me: I am a dedicated worker who, if given any direction, can sculpt anything out of an idea. I will listen dilligently to any instructions and provide creative and useful suggestions.
Position: Terrainer or Builder's assistant
PM me if you would like me to send you some of my creations
Regards, NylonSheep
06/12/2013 11:13 am
Level 77 : Legendary Wizard
oakley09's Avatar
Can you add more pictures of the cities und biuldins you have built?
06/12/2013 1:22 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
Lemoncrap's Avatar
Sure, i'll get them done tonight and upload them. It may take a while warping to all the places XD
06/12/2013 1:31 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Wizard
oakley09's Avatar
Okay ;D
06/12/2013 10:25 am
Level 45 : Master Necromancer
Crunter's Avatar
+Name(Not Required):Rane+IGN:Random44+Age(Not Required):16+About your self: I LOVE BUILDING!+Position: Builder+Some work you have done in the past such as a screenshot (Builder/Assistant Position): check Out my PMC
06/03/2013 4:42 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Sheooo's Avatar
+Name(Not Required):Inti Villca+IGN:Sheooo+Age(Not Required):14+About your self: Well... Not much to say i like RPG games and i like Minecraft+Position: Builder, Assistant+Some work you have done in the past such as a screenshot (Builder/Assistant Position): /
06/02/2013 4:45 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
garret700000's Avatar
+Name: Garret+IGN: Garret700000+Age: 16+About your self: im a good builder who only focuses on medieval builds, i know how to use world edit and im great at making terrain look nice, if you need proof http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/atheria/ heres my current project.+Position: builder, assistant builder, or terrainer+Some work you have done in the past such as a screenshot: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/atheria/ <---currenti dont have anything else, i dont take screenshots much.
06/02/2013 4:42 pm
Level 45 : Master Batman
ItisaCloud's Avatar
I really enjoy ur project. Iknow how hard it is to build a "realistic " rpg map, cause i am building one at the moment. If i had time to work on other I would like to apply for a position, but at this time I have to concentrate at school.
Diamond 4 u.
06/01/2013 4:47 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
ez0ck1's Avatar
Name(Not Required):
IGN: ez0ck

About your self: I am 12 Year Old builder that has been helping servers with worldedit and big builds. I am very good at worldedit (Know Almost all Commands) and am a descent Terrainer. I know that most 12 year olds aren't good at building but I am really into detailed midevil builds. I am currently working on a project right now called The Hall of Apparition.

Some work you have done in the past: This is my current project on PMC. I have more but i have those screen shots on another computer :) http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/the-hall-of-apparition/

Hope You accept my application! :) Ã I would love to be part of your team!
