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ksmith33's Avatar ksmith33
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
Status Offline Pinged: 05/06/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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The server is meant to be just straight up fun for the staff and the player equally. We are new to owning a server so keep patient while we figure out the plugins and other problems we may encounter while we learn the ropes. Hope you have fun with us on SmittyCraft. We plan to make it a better experience for everyone as we grow asa server while keeping it simple as to make it easier to have fun on the server.

Additional Notes

The Staff is amazing because we know what it's like when the staff is terrible/rude and we won't let that happen to you guys as long as you show us respect.

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07/13/2013 6:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
USA_Hockey's Avatar
I am applying for admin i am an very experianced admin i can make spawn bigger and better i can make everything you want rules u name it my name is USA_Hockey im 16 and if you choose me to be an admin ill make ur server popular
/so plaease pick me:)
and i already have lots of plans
07/13/2013 6:21 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
oursnotmine's Avatar
Admin Application

1. Age - 17, Birthday May 13th

2. Name - Stephan Morgan

3. Skills - Building, Redstone (Not the best at it) Command's and helping fix problem's = D!

4. How can you help out the server - I'm a great builder I'm constantly in a good mood and people that meet me like me a lot, Also I'm good with command's and with helping new people = D!

5. Why should you get Admin above other player's - I'm a great admin most likely the best you have seen and I never abuse my power's on player's = D!

Ty for reading = D!
07/13/2013 6:18 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Warrior
yafetgh's Avatar
Name: Johannes
IGN: yafetgh
What you apply for? Administrator
What experience you have beaning a Mod/Admin: I am good with plugins and permissions and i fit to the job. I have been admin in 2 servers and the owners loved me as admin. I do not abuse my power and I will mostly be in Survival mode playing legitly on your server I do not give out items and I do not admin abuse as that's just wrong and promotes the wrong sort of atmosphere on your server. I am loyal as administrator and i know which decide i take.

How i can help and information about me: I will keep your server clean with no spammers, no hackers and make sure everyone is having fun and not feeling abused by any other players, i'll make sure everyone follows your designated server rules and respects them, I am very good at finding and catching hackers which is a big bonus to all Legit players I know what to do when theres a close call.
I am friendly with players and i wish them welcome when they join the server! :d
Contact: (Skype): yafetgh
Reason: As More and More People Join The Server, many people ask for help or need help and help them out so they can always be happy with this server. Many times when people need help, some admins aren't on, or are away from their computer, So i would like to be there for them. i know the plugins and how they work and I will choose the decisions i have to make, with a lot of thought put into it. I will treat every single player fair, no matter what they do. With those other servers, i had to manage teams and work with other staff members, i wasn't just alone. So that experience made it easy for me to learn and be a fair but firm staff member. I know i have sent in a few other applications, and it might be annoying to you, i just would like to be apart of the staff so i can make many ne old players feel more safe on this server knowing that there is one more person apart of the staff. They will be able to trust me and know that i will be there for them. I live In the United Kingdom and i can be on the server any time needed to be and i will be on the server for at least 7 hours each day.towercraft.nn.pe:25583
5 Most important you have (What will you do when you become a mod/admin)
1. I will learn all the permissions i get proporly.
2.I will help the server with my full ability.
3. I will check if someone hacks or spamms
4. i will check if its lag on the server, if i will try to remove it.
5. Finally i would like to help players if they need help or starving with something.
Thank you for you took your time to read this and i appricate it. I hope you can choose me as your staff member cya.
-Member: yafetgh
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