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darkSWAG's Avatar darkSWAG
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Status Offline Pinged: 04/17/24
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Owner Tjmc8 We Like to play Minecraft Alot and everone get's 50% for to get to be moderator or jr mod

Form of Moderator or jr mod




Why do u want to Be mod/Jr-Mod:

Anything else:

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11/26/2012 5:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ObeyKarma's Avatar
Ign: mikkepita

Skype: mikkebragstad50

RealName: Michael

Why do you want to be a Moderator?: The main reason I want to become a Moderator is to help out. You can still help out as a donor, but their are many limits if we compare them to Moderator. I love to help and get people used to the SwagPvP Community. My favorite thing to do is to stay the spawn and ask if any newcomer needs assistance. From a simple command such as /kit starter, to where to build, /warp build, and maybe they need to find a location at the market. One problem that occurs often is when I place water for others, I am unable to due to Worldguard, as Moderator I can easily use the staff chat to message supemod+ and ask them to add me to their region. I'm very familiar with Worlguard, Worldedit. I know that Moderator does not have access to those commands, but if I progress and make it higher, you know that I will succeed. One thing I like to contribute when I post on the forums is, "Quantity not Quality". I don't care how many posts I have, I care about how good they are. Im not the one to spam the forums with simple, low quality posts, but rather I put time and quality into them. If a member has asked me to preform something that I do not have capability in doing, I redirect them to a staff member that has power to do it. For example, if a member asked me for protection, I redirect them to a supermod or above. If a member needs something with such simplicity such as water/lava/fire placed and they have worldguard wherever the placement needs to be, I redirect the member to a Moderator to place for them. As Moderator my duty is to support anyone that needs help, and help people in need of assistance. I have seen quite a number of staff leave in the past month or two, I think I would be a great fit in the staff team. Below I have configured a common problem that may arise in game. Please consider "Derpy" as a default user, and me as [Mod]Mikkepita Derpyy: jjerijmreieriemrjierj Derpy: eoieoerikreiroekreireoker [Mod]Mikkepita: /kick Derpy No spamming please Derpy: eroreierjmiremjermjer Bobguy: erierriu38738643436 [Mod]Mikkepita: /mute Derpy L [Mod]Mikkepita: Derpy, I have muted you for 15 minutes due to spamming. Any further spam will result in a jail, tempban, or a permanent ban. Derpy: hey visit my awesome server! provisionhost.wankcraft.com [Mod]Mikkepita: /kick Derpy No Advertising Please Derpy: hey sorry, visit my awesomer serverprovisionhost.wankcraft.com [Mod]Mikkepita: /tjail bobguy jail 30m [Mod]Mikkepita: /mute Derpy L [Mod]Mikkepita: Bobguy, your in jail for advertisement for 30 minutes. Your also muted for 30 minutes. [Mod]Mikkepita: (sees bobguy griefing) [Mod]Mikkepita: (Takes screenshots) [Mod]Mikkepita: /tjail bobguy jail 30m [Mod]Mikkepita: Bobguy I saw your grief, I took screenshots and will post them on the forum for a higher rank to look at and ban you. These are just a few conflicts that can arise on SwagPvP. I hope you will consider my application as I would love to get helping and be more involved in the SwagPvP Community.
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