Minecraft Servers

Towny Reforged

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Issemir's Avatar Issemir
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Towny Reforged
Status Offline Pinged: 07/14/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
                 Towny Reforged
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Towny Origins is a Minecraft towny server which aims to bring the traditional aspects of towny servers back to the game. The server is kept on the latest version of Minecraft and runs many plugins for players to utilise and explore. Staff are friendly and experienced! Visit our website here.

We operate from our very own dedicated server which provides optimum gameplay.

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05/06/2022 6:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PrezFall49's Avatar
Its just simply an Amazing server!!

I recommend trying it out
12/07/2020 6:45 pm
Level 27 : Expert uwu
Nebelz's Avatar
As a player of this server I find it to be quite perfect as a towny server not to much useless unneeded plugins perfect amount of mods/admins very nice community and i'm proud to be a citizen of Dirtland, Trinia. -TuckerBot
09/08/2020 3:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
itsilse's Avatar
I am not very good at writing reviews but lemme give it a shot.

I gotta be honest. I think this is one of the most fun servers I've played on.
I haven't played on the server for a very long time but this is my opinion so far.
The people are very nice, the staff members are also very nice and helpful. The owners are also online a lot and interact a lot with the players. I've made a lot of very good friends so far which I am very happy about.
The server it self is really fun.

They have different seasons, so they reset the server after a certain amount of time which is nice so you can't really get bored of the server.
You are also able to marry people on the server which is very funny thing added.
There is also a brewery plugin which is very interesting to mess around with. you can make alcohol and other types of drinks too.
You are also able to buy a pass so you can play on the creative server.
There are also ranks you can buy which gives you certain things normal players can't do.

So long story short,
If you are looking for a fun and friendly towny server to play on, then this is absolutely the server for you!
06/28/2020 5:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Lumiii's Avatar
Great server, people are very friendly and generally nice to play Towny on! I'd definitely recommend :3
06/26/2020 11:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
WhenYouExist's Avatar
Okay, so normally I don't write PMC reviews, but I figured this server certainly deserved one.

Towny Origins is by far the best server I have played on in the last 4 1/2 years. I've been playing the Towny game mode since late 2013. One of the things I always missed about that experience was the traditional, vanilla approach to the towny experience. On many towny servers these days, you have to wade through a bunch of crap to actually enjoy yourself. You're bombarded with super-fancy over-the-top plugins, long tutorials, and a usually absurdly inflated pay-to-win economy. Today's multiplayer community really doesn't compare to what it was back then, but Towny Origins is an exception.

This server is by far the biggest breath of fresh air I've ever seen. This PMC post claims that Towny Origins aims to restore the vanilla Towny experience, and man does it deliver. The community is incredibly friendly and welcoming, and its really easy to jump right in - whether it be joining a town on your first day or starting your own!

The staff are extremely friendly and professional. The server itself is very well-built, and is clearly receiving professional-level development.

Another genius aspect of this server is the rankup system. It's totally automatic, based only on playtime. This means you can pretty much do whatever you want, as long as you're actually playing on the server. And it's good too because it excludes AFK time. You're not forced to "grind" for ages just to get enough money to rank up.

My favorite part though definitely has to be the atmosphere. Everyone you meet on here is incredibly nice, and the server itself is almost like a cozy lounge where you can just chill out and vibe. The server discord is also great, with many cool and funny conversations being had. It's a great thing to be apart of.

Overall this server is incredible, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is either trying to get back into Minecraft again, or simply just wants to try something new.
05/07/2020 12:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rapodako's Avatar
Can't get much more of a classic Minecraft experience than this server.

There's a lot of will to limit the amount of non-essential/QoL plugins, so the popular ones like Slimefun don't exist, which really makes it simpler to get through and understanding everything since it's pretty much Minecraft with the towny add-ons and other little QoL add-ons. Perhaps the only "fun" plugin that's present is the Brewery plugin, and that's it. Honestly a breath of fresh air when it comes to the rest that tries pimping itself out with the latest fancy-schmancy (and oftentimes unnecessary) stuff where you'll spend more time trying to understand what's going on with all of this instead of getting right into the action.

I have yet to see more events, but I managed to join shortly before the Easter event started - and honestly, super cute event. A maze with a parkour at the end, with a selectable difficulty where the only change was extra bragging points with the other players. Actual in-game rewards didn't change, even if you decided tackling the easier difficulty (which I did, I'm horrible at parkour). While I don't have enough ancestry to speak with confidence about the event system as a whole, the simplicity of the events yet the dedication that's poured into making it enjoyable anyways really stood out to me on the first days.

The rest is pretty much down to the playerbase - which I believe is what TO is really trying to set as its primary strength, and boy does it work. The general atmosphere is cozy and welcoming; players will gladly welcome and guide newbies; mods are very attentive, but also definitely on the friendly side - it doesn't feel like some sort of higher authority of intimidation which only appears to ban or kick somebody, which is great. They're also all a bunch of memelords and I love you

My personal favorite part, though, has to be the system of rankup. It's not money, it's not any other kind of action - just playtime. Yep, playtime. You can do essentially whatever you want (except AFK-ing, that won't count in the playtime total), be it mining, farming, or just messing around with others, you'll still end up ranking up if you've played for a sufficiently long amount of time. And honestly? This ought to be the best way of ranking up I've ever experienced. It doesn't discriminate players for their actions, it doesn't impose a specific way of playing - you just do you and that's more than fine as is.

Overall, a super good server. It can be a little hard to be convinced to join it when seeing the outer layer, but honestly, open the wooden box and you'll find diamonds inside. A great server experience that's easy to get started in.

Also Tsukemono is best town, don't @ me.
05/07/2020 12:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Starrystargirl55's Avatar
Great server, the staff are very nice. I highly recommend joining as everyone is nice to each other.
04/10/2020 3:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Tarrantnater's Avatar
Really good server, Highly recommend joining!
03/29/2020 11:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MYSTICWOLF30330's Avatar
Really nice server. Staff and everyone are nice.
01/22/2020 3:16 pm
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