Minecraft Servers

WildCraftMC Semi-Vanilla or Advanced SMP

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  • 277 server score
  • 107 Votes this month
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WildCraftMC's Avatar WildCraftMC
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Wisp
WildCraftMC Semi-Vanilla or Advanced SMP
Status Pinging...
Game VersionMinecraft Java
   WildCraftMC! ? Land Claim Protection [1.20+]
      »  Celebrating WCs 13 year Anniversary  «
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WildCraftMC Semi-Vanilla or Advanced SMP Minecraft Server
IP: play.wildcraftmc.com


Where the Wild, is home!

Server Population: Avg. 10 - 15+ players
Discord Population: 2100+ members
Staff Age Range: 21 - 40+ yrs

‿︵ About ︵‿

In an endless sea of cold impersonal Minecraft Networks & Hub servers, WildCraftMC wishes to offer you something more meaningful, a server to call home.

WildCraftMC is a multi-purpose social community for everyone, whether it be over Discord or WC's Minecraft server, we offer a multitude of premium features which allows for an adventurous experience that offers exclusive events, quests and items to collect and/or share.

We would like to invite you to become a member of our server community.

‿︵ Main ︵‿

Java 1.20+
April 17, 2011
Chat Reporting: Disabled

Eastern Coast of North America
Website: WildCraftMC
Donation Store: Store
Discord: Discord
Voter & Donor Ranks: Ranks

‿︵ Features ︵‿

Grief Prevention

Claim your lands to protect your builds from grief for yourself or with members you trust.


We strive to make our server community feel as friendly & safe as possible to everyone that wishes to join us. Visit us on our Discord server to get a true feeling of what we are all about. We encourage players to discuss suggestions or concerns regarding the community as to fulfill everyone's individual interests.


We offer two different forms of ranking: voting & donating. Earn increasingly better ranks by voting daily which provides you with donor-like perks, the higher the vote rank, the better the reward. Donor ranks are setup in a way to allow members to skip the process of daily votes while supporting the community at the same time.
View more info here, Ranks.


Redeem special keys from server events, contests, voting & donating to receive various unique rewards. Watch out for our monthly crate events!


Our members earn economy by joining up to two specially designed jobs which offer a levelling mechanic to increase income over time. Other ways of earning is by participating in server events & setting up your very own player shop.


Included are a multitude of optional features, such as survival and creative worlds. An RPG play style to upgrade your player skills. Mini Bosses that drop rare collectible loot. Adventurous Quests that offer exclusive events and items to collect. An advanced fishing feature with custom levelling, rod augments, entropy & much more.

We offer an extensively customized advancement system (Blaze and Caves Datapack) that offers special abilities & rewards for completing 100's of new achievement based advancements.

Vote Parties

Build Contests
Holiday Themed Events
Treasure & Scavenger Hunts
Discord Events
Nitro & Misc Giveaways

Movie Nights

‿︵ Misc ︵‿

Stacked Mobs/Spawners
Increase mob farm efficiency & Silk touch spawners

LWC Protection
Lock chests, gates, doors, shulker boxes, etc out side of claims.

Crazy Enchants
Additional enchantments with better abilities

Clue Scrolls
Complete tasks & events to gain rewards

Rocket Boots
Different boots give fun features
Fly, float & knockback mobs

‿︵ Extras

Custom NPC Trades
/warp SerenePost

Unique NPC Quests
/warp QuestZone1

Advanced Fishing & Custom Fish
/warp FishingVillage

WildCraftMC Semi-Vanilla or Advanced SMP Minecraft Server
CreditNexlemav, SleepySparks, Phulishone, TheOnlyMojoe, Skyember, Aruthra_II, Whitey1205, Xeno_wtf, _Cliffoconda_

94 Update Logs

WildcraftMC's NEW Twitch Channel Update : by WildCraftMC 01/02/2023 11:13:28 amJan 2nd, 2023

WildcraftMC NEW Twitch Channel

With the unfortunate "indefinite suspension" of my main Twitch account which had 6800+ followers, I have decided to start over by making a new channel as a way to stream important future community/member events

I have tried appealing to Twitch, I've NOT received an email response of any sort in weeks (doesn't look promising). Keep in mind, I've done absolutely nothing wrong.

I'd be eternally grateful if you'd click the link below & follow :)


Community projects posted by members on this server

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05/31/2023 3:15 pm
Level 1 : New Network
JuderDuder's Avatar
Great Minecraft server. If you're into a ton of features or overly simplified semi-vanilla, WildCraftMC has it. You will NOT be disappointed. Love it so much.
08/24/2022 12:25 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
SummaVerminoth's Avatar
I love this server so much. Such a great and easy going community.
09/20/2021 10:41 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Agt_Montag's Avatar
The set up and presentation of this PMC page is absolutely superb!
The advert pictures are spot on!
The use of colors, shaders, and fun Icons really make the info POP!

I love it.

I would mention something about how, despite the publish date of this post, Wildcraft's community is actually over 10+ years old
and how worlds maps are safe with worlds only renewed every 2 to 3 years, give or take a year or so...
So builder know that their builds will remain relatively safe to come back to, if they take a break from Minecraft for a while.

Lastly, and this is just a personal preference, I feel like the banner is a bit too flashy... (Thats all)

05/01/2021 9:34 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Skyember's Avatar
As of today, I have been an active member of Wildcraft Serenity for 2 years and 4 months! I never thought I would be here this long, but that just goes to show you how wonderful this server and all its staff and members are.

There are so many things to choose from to occupy your time. For those of you who enjoy redstone building, we have a special warp to learn or get ideas on how to use redstone. You can choose to spend all your time in free build and amaze us with your creations. We have "My Pets" which is always fun. I personally have 13 and counting! We also have Pyro Fishing, which is an amazing fishing plug-in. Go on fish deliveries, and save special fish to get augments to increase your fishing rods effectiveness. If you are really lucky, you can catch "Mythical" fish!! The nether has its own surprises including "infernal" mobs that sometimes drop a special item if you are successful at eliminating the mob.

We also have lots of quests, scrolls, competitions and contests! I could go on and on but you get the point. This is a FUN server... Join us and give us a week....I bet you will stay!
05/02/2021 8:20 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Wisp
WildCraftMC's Avatar
Thank you for the kind words :)
05/01/2021 1:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Acertriplex's Avatar
Hey AcerTriplex here!

I play minecraft since i was 12, now I'm 25. Let me tell you something about this server.
many servers have known me for a short while, on a few I also stayed a bit longer.
But man i mean Wildcraft.. It felt like coming home. The open minded people, the humor, the will to help each other, the kindness,..
I could keep going, but you get my point. After all these years finding a server like this? It was heaven to find Wildcraft,
If you are fed up with sickly pvp servers or griefers and you just really want to have fun and chat in peace. Wildcraft is the way to go baby!
Beside all that, there are a lot of monthly events, holiday events, quests, clue scrolls, shops, and a lot more to discover!

If you want to know more about this server? Ask away!

See you at Wildcraft!!

For now, Acer out!
05/02/2021 8:21 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Wisp
WildCraftMC's Avatar
Acer, It is always great to hear that you are enjoying you time at Wildcraft :)
03/10/2021 10:25 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Agt_Montag's Avatar
You should add some new pictures showing some quest areas and maybe something showcasing some of the newer mods we have on the server
03/11/2021 1:46 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Wisp
WildCraftMC's Avatar
Let me know what you think of the updated pics :)
03/12/2021 7:26 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Agt_Montag's Avatar
You honor me with that pic of Patch Haven. I thank you. These are excellent updates.
