тнιcĸeт тнe ғorager- Spellвoυnd Garden + Drawιng Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Spellbound Garden Player Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

тнιcĸeт тнe ғorager- Spellвoυnd Garden + Drawιng

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MysteriousMushroom's Avatar MysteriousMushroom
Level 13 : Journeyman Mage
Deep in the woods, or even in your own garden, you might find an odd, small creature named Thicket. He may help tend to your flowers, picking off pesky beetles from their leaves and at least attempt to uproot overgrown weeds. He'll bless your crops, making them grow to be rich and bountiful. Your garden will attract all sorts of beautiful wildlife, who may even offer to help you as well. Friendly spirits and faeries will move in and live inside bulbs and mushrooms. Creatures and sprites will help paint flowers and ward off any mischievous/evil imps. All of this comes with a small price however; in exchange for his service, you must provide him with small trinkets like thimbles and buttons, as well as part of your garden's harvest. He may steal some berries and seeds from your plants, or you may even notice some of your flowers disappear and reappear in a different location from time to time, but he will never cause any harm. He may even pull small pranks on you, replacing your tools with sticks and twine before returning the real ones. If you are kind enough to him, he'll accept you as a friend and give you tiny gifts every so often. You may find a bundle of dried flowers and herbs on your windowsill, acorns and other nuts underneath your pillow and on your doorstep. However, if you dare to treat him without respect or deeply wrong him in any way, he will make sure that all of nature herself will bring you misfortune.

You will rarely see him during the Winter, but you may find crude little drawings scribbled through the fog on the panes of your bedroom window.

I hope you liked it :> ♥

Without flowers:
тнιcĸeт тнe ғorager- Spellвoυnd Garden + Drawιng Minecraft Skin

Thicket is basically some weird combination of a bird, rabbit, and squirrel who likes to wear a mushroom hat and flowers. He has blue scaly claws and feet, an orange-brown beak, and a cotton tail. He is a kind, yet slightly mischievous spirit who likes to collect little knickknacks and whatnot. He has the strange ability to attract other faeries and spirits to wherever he decides to inhabit. I decided to name him "Thicket" since it means a "dense collection of shrubs and trees", which fits into the idea of a foraging animal looking for food and nesting material (in this case, also trinkets).

Here's my drawing:

тнιcĸeт тнe ғorager- Spellвoυnd Garden + Drawιng Minecraft Skin

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08/22/2020 8:52 am
Level 25 : Expert Imposter
ufolov's Avatar
really good
08/22/2020 9:16 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Mage
MysteriousMushroom's Avatar
Thank you.
08/21/2020 12:09 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Botanist
Zombiella's Avatar
Unique & colorful design! ♥
08/21/2020 6:44 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Mage
MysteriousMushroom's Avatar
You are so kind. ♥
08/20/2020 3:07 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Mage
Grymslie's Avatar
Aah this is so cute! I love the drawing, it looks awesome! :>
08/20/2020 3:13 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Mage
MysteriousMushroom's Avatar
Thank you! :D
08/19/2020 2:44 pm
Level 21 : Expert uwu
0thdram's Avatar
Great work ! The drawing looks good too.
08/19/2020 2:52 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Mage
MysteriousMushroom's Avatar
Thank you so much! This is my first time posting on here so this comment means a lot to me.
08/19/2020 3:00 pm
Level 21 : Expert uwu
0thdram's Avatar
I didn't realise it was your first skin posted on this account, it's even better !
