Berkut - Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (Includes Fallen Berkut alts) (REMADE, link in desc.) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Berkut - Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (Includes Fallen Berkut alts) (REMADE, link in desc.)

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fire emblem man yes's Avatar fire emblem man yes
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Prince
I recently remade this skin. The new version can be found here.  The original description continues after the horizontal divider.



I based this off of the Echoes artwork rather than Tomoyo Asatani's artwork from Heroes, because that's what i've been doing with Alm and Kliff, so i'm going to keep using the original Echoes artwork

found Berkut's reference sheet, really useful for the cape and armour, I really like his design to be honest, similar to Alm's armour but perhaps that's not surprising

Fallen Berkut
No Aura -->Berkut - Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (Includes Fallen Berkut alts) (REMADE, link in desc.) Minecraft Skin

Aura -->Berkut - Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (Includes Fallen Berkut alts) (REMADE, link in desc.) Minecraft Skin
(Aura is recoloured but comes from AceTrainerWesley, with expressed permission in the description of this skin , thanks!)

Pictures of Fallen Berkut alts:
Berkut - Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (Includes Fallen Berkut alts) (REMADE, link in desc.) Minecraft Skin

Reference Images


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by fire emblem man yes 05/25/2019 9:36:04 amMay 25th, 2019

very minor change- extended hair to stop eyes from looking weird

it was bugging me thats all

i suggest you redownload, 1 person that downloaded before this update

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05/28/2019 11:38 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Dife2K's Avatar
Why Alex arms D:
fire emblem man yes
05/28/2019 12:14 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Prince
fire emblem man yes's Avatar
well, I've been waiting for someone to ask and here I'll explain.

I use the 3-pixel arms because, to me, it looks more visually pleasing. I also think it is more anatomically accurate- Legs are bigger than Arms and the 4-pixel template doesn't really reflect this. I think that''s quite a simple fact, and even if you want to argue otherwise, I think it fits better with an anime art style. Feel free to make your own 4-pixel version to use in-game, but that's why I make even male skins with the 3-pixel arm template.
05/25/2019 4:50 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
magichero12's Avatar
Ah yes, the best FE villain. Don't @ me, you know it's true.

fire emblem man yes
05/25/2019 5:15 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Prince
fire emblem man yes's Avatar
definitely one of the better written villains, at least in the more recent games, but maybe thats not saying much. Ian Sinclair does a really good job at his voice, even if the direction can still feel a little off (but that's just game voice acting for you) and for once he's a villain who isn't either a member of a dark cult or some kind of thug. It's tricky to think of any recent villains that aren't.

Yeah, Lyon's pretty good too, but I just don't think he got a lot of development, and Eirika's route's version of him just feels a bit plain. Eirika never really comes to terms with the fact that he is gone, not until the ending at least, so it doesn't really feel like she develops as a result of him, and Ephraim's version is just the same old possessed demon thing.
sorry, i always make a wall of text out of everything, don't I?
05/25/2019 6:18 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
magichero12's Avatar
>at least in the more recent games, but maybe thats not saying much
Are you telling me that Garon or Anankos or fucking VALIDAR are on his level? No. Sit down.

But hey, no worries! PMC needs more FE nerds gushing over everything on the comment sections of skins.
