Brave Alm - Fire Emblem Gaiden Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Brave Alm - Fire Emblem Gaiden

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fire emblem man yes's Avatar fire emblem man yes
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Prince
Finally i get a chance to put Alm's head on something that's actually totally of my own creation! (TakoTako did most of the work on Legendary Alm, and, well, the other time I uploaded an Alm skin, it was just his head, although thanks to Tofuwu for doing something with it)

so, that time of the year has come and gone and we have 4 new Brave Heroes. Nice to see Hidari back to do more echoes art, I really do love Hidari's palettes and colouring, and I've done quite a few skins based on his artwork, so I'm happy to have something new to make a skin of.

I tried to put some real effort into the armour, and while this skin doesn't feature the highest contrast shading, I'm still pleased with it compared to the reference.

ok are we done talking about the skin?

can't believe they uh kept that certain piece of armour
love it
No headband
Brave Alm - Fire Emblem Gaiden Minecraft Skin

Brave Alm - Fire Emblem Gaiden Minecraft Skin
Brave Alm - Fire Emblem Gaiden Minecraft Skin

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