Byleth - Fire Emblem: Three Houses (includes green hair alt, 2 pixel eyes alt) (REMADE, link in desc.) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Byleth - Fire Emblem: Three Houses (includes green hair alt, 2 pixel eyes alt) (REMADE, link in desc.)

  • 3,142 views, 1 today
  • 359 downloads, 0 today
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fire emblem man yes
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Prince
I recently remade this skin, the new version is available here.

haven't been making skins for a while

it's because i have a life outside of block game

but also because I've been playing Thracia Three Houses

Green Hair Alt (that I can't explain further because that's a spoiler
Byleth - Fire Emblem: Three Houses (includes green hair alt, 2 pixel eyes alt) (REMADE, link in desc.) Minecraft SkinRegular
Byleth - Fire Emblem: Three Houses (includes green hair alt, 2 pixel eyes alt) (REMADE, link in desc.) Minecraft Skin2 Pixel (thin) eyes

Byleth - Fire Emblem: Three Houses (includes green hair alt, 2 pixel eyes alt) (REMADE, link in desc.) Minecraft Skin2 Pixel (thin) eyes
Screenshot of both the thin eye and green hair versions, for showcase

idk, 2 pixel eyes probably look better but i wouldn't want to replace the original file.

maybe should have added this before 93 people downloaded the 4 pixel eyes version

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08/13/2019 3:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
War Outfit Ashe?
08/03/2019 2:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
If you’re taking requests, perhaps you could do mah maskboi Jeritza? Kinda sucks that the game hardly gives him any love, what with a single plot twist basically yeeting him out the window.
